PCIe 4x card in a 1x Slot?


May 23, 2011
Okay so I feel dumb cause I bought a SATA II controller card PCIe and didn't know it was a 4x and my motherboard only has a 1x slot. So after some research I tried a minor mod with cutting the end of the PCIe 1x slot and trying to put the SATA card in there but theres another chip getting in the way of it being fully seated so that didn't work. I ordered a 1x to 16x riser card (the one with the cable) and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience or could tell me if my SATA card should work on the riser card. I tried the SATA card in my 16x pcie gfx card slot and it did work, should it be the same with the riser card? Thanks
On the topic of many x16 cards being used in x1 slots. Yes is "Should work" Many have done it. Great way to get an extra screen or 2 if needed

Many have even cut the card if it gets in the way of other board components.

I see no reason for the riser to not work.

Want to be sure it will work?

Tape off the extra connectors on the card just like toms did here. I know your card is only an X4 but as long as you leave the same pins showing, you should be good to test x1. Please ensure the tape is tight and passes the connector so it does not get stuck.

Once taped, place the...


Sep 6, 2011
I would think not. You will be bottle-necked by the single lane on the 1x connector. Smaller numbered PCIE boards should work in larger numbered slots, 1 in a 4, 4 in a 8, 4 in a 16, etc. but not the reverse. Rule, if it's too large for the connector it is not compatible. IMO.


May 23, 2011

I've seen many people mod their PCIe 1x slot to accommodate their PCIe 16x gfx card. It worked, obviously at a slower rate since it is 1x but it still worked. Shouldn't this apply to the SATA card as well? I mean I don't mind if its bottle-necked as long as it works.
On the topic of many x16 cards being used in x1 slots. Yes is "Should work" Many have done it. Great way to get an extra screen or 2 if needed

Many have even cut the card if it gets in the way of other board components.

I see no reason for the riser to not work.

Want to be sure it will work?

Tape off the extra connectors on the card just like toms did here. I know your card is only an X4 but as long as you leave the same pins showing, you should be good to test x1. Please ensure the tape is tight and passes the connector so it does not get stuck.

Once taped, place the card in the X16 slot. If it works, then you should have no issues.