PCIe Express GPU

Ok. I see what the issue may be here. The PCI-Ex8 slot is physically smaller than the PCI-Ex16 slot. A PCI-Ex16 graphics card will not physically fit in a PCI-Ex8 expansion slot, unless the expansion slot is open ended.

As long as the PCI-Ex8 slot is open ended, you can install a PCI-Ex16 graphics card into it without issue. That the graphics card is rated for only x8 really doesn't mean anything other than is will still run at full capacity even in an x8 slot.


In this image, you can see the PCI-Ex1 slot is close ended and the PCI-Ex4 slot is open ended. You could install a PCI-Ex16 expansion card into the PCI-Ex4 open ended slot and it...


Never seen anything like that before. Still, it's more up to your motherboard and where it wants the graphics card installed. While you probably could install the card into a secondary PCI-Ex16 (x8) expansion slot, the motherboard generally prefers the graphics card installed in the top/first PCI-Ex16 slot.

-Wolf sends


Oct 26, 2017

well what do you mean by "a secondary PCI-Ex16 (x8)" also I'm asking because the motherboard only has a x8 pie 2.0.


Oct 26, 2017

Well I haven't bought it yet but it's a dell t610 server motherboard


Ok. I see what the issue may be here. The PCI-Ex8 slot is physically smaller than the PCI-Ex16 slot. A PCI-Ex16 graphics card will not physically fit in a PCI-Ex8 expansion slot, unless the expansion slot is open ended.

As long as the PCI-Ex8 slot is open ended, you can install a PCI-Ex16 graphics card into it without issue. That the graphics card is rated for only x8 really doesn't mean anything other than is will still run at full capacity even in an x8 slot.


In this image, you can see the PCI-Ex1 slot is close ended and the PCI-Ex4 slot is open ended. You could install a PCI-Ex16 expansion card into the PCI-Ex4 open ended slot and it would run. This is just an example, however. If the PCI-Ex8 slots on the motherboard of the Dell T610 motherboard are not open ended, you cannot install a PCI-Ex16 (x8) graphics card. It's not physically compatible.

Here is the Specs Sheet for the Dell T610. Note that it does not list any PCI-Ex16 expansion slots.

-Wolf sends