PcPartPicker AMD 970 Chipset may need bios update with Vishera CPUs Need help

Willem Kimberley

Apr 13, 2014
i need help with my pcpartpicker, I have the error message "Some AMD 970 chipset motherboards may need a BIOS update prior to using Vishera CPUs. Upgrading the BIOS may require a different CPU that is supported by older BIOS revisions."

What i need to know is will my CPU/motherboard combination make this a problem? Or will i not have to worry about it. Thanks in advance :)

List : https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/pBKYzM
Enough time has passed, that those older boards *should* be released with a later BIOS update - but there's potential for old stock to be laying around that came off the production line a long time ago, and therefore was not compatible with newer* chips

The FX8320 is supported as of BIOS revision 1605

*The 8320 is pretty dated now itself, and, if you don't already own it - I'd recommend something else entirely.
I would imagine that board would have a bios that supports vishera by now. My question is why in the world are you starting an amd FX build in 2017? That cpu is nearly six years old on a dead platform with no upgrade path, not worth buying in my opinion. If you want to build a budget AMD rig you would get A LOT more value for your money waiting for ryzen 3 to release, or save up a bit more and get ryzen 5.

perhaps i should have clarified, i already have the CPU and have since 2014, its is in the list just so i know if its compatible with everything else.

im sorry but im not sure what you mean by a cpu support?

Well, the others that have commented may be right too.
But what I'm saying is you'll need to put in a CPU that doesn't require a bios update for that motherboard first, so you could update the bios.

So i'd have to purchase a new CPU if i want this motherboard? Im only at liberty to upgrade my Mobo at the moment because it is shockingly old and bad. What i need to know is, that if i purchase this motherboard, will i be able to keep my current CPU or purchase a new one?

Right, well in that case is there a motherboard i can get allowing me to keep my CPU? I really dont have enough money to buy both and from what ive seen on my friends rigs, The CPU + GPU combination i want runs games more than well enough for me, i dont want a monster pc
Wow there's a lot of confusion here.

From batch 1 at the factory, those boards do not support your CPU.

From late batches, they come with the BIOS update already installed. Since those boards have been around for so long, we can reasonably expect the board to come with the update already installed.

Hold on I dont understand, if i want this mobo, i do need a new CPU, or i dont need a new CPU. Very sorry that im not understanding

ok ok i see, right. So i shouldnt have any problem compatibility wise? Very sorry im so confused to both of you helping

Oh excellent !! You know what i had actually looked at this mobo previously but my thick skull didnt make an sense of it ! I'll go with that combination then, thanks very much for all of your help ! :)

No. That board is one of the worst AM3+ boards on the market. Its VRMs can barely run the 95W quad cores without throttling. It simply cannot run OP's octa-core 125W processor properly.

Ok now im extremely confused :/

VRMs are power delivery to the CPU. They're under the heatsink to the left of the socket. That Gigabyte board cannot even properly power CPUs that draw 95 watts. Your CPU is 125 watts. It will not run properly. If it's stable at all, it will not reach advertised speeds. Please do not buy that board.

For high powered 8-core FX chips, I usually recommend the Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0 because of its superior power delivery and exceptionally stable overclocking capability for its price.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard (£142.50 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £142.50
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-05-01 17:48 BST+0100

Yes, good AM3+ boards are expensive. This is because AMD took no interest in designing their FX chips to run at lower wattages, so now you're left paying extra for a good board that can run the chip properly. This is just another reason why I don't recommend building FX.

Not to mention that your 8-core FX chip actually only has four cores that Windows can use. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgejkSWzvNs

The board in your original post has acceptable VRMs and should run your CPU just fine.

I expect that it will come with the update already installed, but can't guarantee it. If it doesn't have it installed, just take it to a nearby computer store. They should have an old Phenom II chip or other AM3 (not AM3+) chip lying around that you could use to boot the board and install the update.

OK i see, and yes i do understand that my CPU actually only has 4 cores technically, i knew that when i bought it. Unfortunatley my ignorance to PC building has led to this issue so Ive left my self in a bit of an impass, im going to have to go above my budget to do this. Thankyou very much for finding that motherboard, However if it is going to cost that much just to support my current CPU, is there a CPU+Motherboard combo that isnt much more expensive than that mobo on its own, that will last me alot longer and be more cost effective?

I suggested before that you could take it to a local computer shop near your place and ask them to put in a supported CPU to update it, that's your best choice.

Ok, looks like thats what im going to do, if that doesnt work i think ill go with that motherboard that was £140, I didnt understand what you meant by that the first time you said it sorry, thanks very much for your help everyone

This board has more VRMs but they aren't quite as capable as the Asus board I recommended. It will run your CPU perfectly fine, but will not be able to achieve a stable overclock of more than 200-300MHz unless you win the silicon lottery.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: ASRock 990FX Killer ATX AM3+ Motherboard (£125.80 @ Alza)
Total: £125.80
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-05-01 18:02 BST+0100

Excellent ill have a look at this too, thanks again everybody !