Question Pcpartpicker glitch?

Jul 11, 2024
Everytime i select a motherboard wo a wifi chip it says that my ryzen 5 5600g will need a bios update. I know it will most likely still work but i just want to know if its true since any motherboard with wifi doesnt give me the warning and id like to have a fully compatible motherboard out of the box. (I have only been trying b550 mothetboards)
Jul 11, 2024
Hey there,

Are you sure it's just not a coincidence. I just tried a build there with the 5600g and the MSI B550 Gaming Gen 3 and it didn't prompt for a bios issue. It was the first one in the list sorted by lowest price ascending.
I tried the exact dame motherboard and i get a bios issue so if that is the case then im guessing its a glitch