[citation][nom]caeden[/nom]Used one on my friend's PS3 and it is way better than the wiimote/kinect [/citation]
Thing is.. You need to use each and everyone of them a bit longer to know. I own all of them ( not using shit anymore cause i work too much and getting ready for a surgery soon.. :S ) and i can tell you that you rather have a WiiMote cause just the fact its got software to back up the hardware is worth it. Check out the software out for Move after months. If you dont laugh with it then there is something wrong.
[citation][nom]Twist86[/nom]How about instead of a stupid controller 99% of us wont use on our PC we get a PS3 emulator instead!Imagine the price drop.[/citation]
Never gonna happen.
[citation][nom]rwpritchett[/nom]If in a multiplayer game two people went head-to-head, one with the move, and one with a traditional mouse/keyboard or thumbstick controller setup, who do you think has the advantage? (No really, I'm curious what people think).I read somewhere recently that PC fps players destroy console fps players on cross platform games because of the keyboard/mouse advantage. It seems logical that this handicap would be increased using a motion controller.[/citation]
Not only you are correct, Trying out games like MAG proves instantly that even on the console itself, when compared to the original controller, the game-play is ruined without most realizing in their effort to use the Move controller. Running - strafing - aiming = pure dissaster with the Move controller.
If it was the other way around everyone would have noticed instantly that someone was in a hurry to steal a bit of someone else's successful thunder. Why don't they stick with that retard of their promos saying "pew pew" while Kinect sells a few millions yet? Since when is Sony interested on the PC platform other than selling crappy & overpriced laptops? Its all funny to me really
Don't get me wrong.. I got a Move the first day of its release but its why I also know Sony sucks at backing up their hardware way more than MS. The most interesting thing with Move was the demo cause of the bit of variety till your hand starts hurting that is. Buying a couple of tittles for it was a mistake as well x.x
Now point that pink gaybrator away from me
🙁 I rather spend more money and buy Razer's solution ( Sixence ) for my PC cause THEY know way more about PC/tech enthusiasts than Sony's bullshit on the matter.
That was purely my opinion on my "overused" Move controller.. ( thats called sarcasm )