Question pendrive loses formatting-- missing 20Mibs SOLVED


Mar 20, 2015
I've got a SanDisk Cruzer Glide 8Gib-2.0(high speed) that keeps losing the formatting(Fat32). Thought it may have been MBR, so rebuilt, but that hasn't helped. Then, since I've had to keep formatting it, I've noticed that the actual "usage" is 7.43Gib down from original 7.45Gib, yet file/drive shows noting on it?? (missing 20Mib) Checked it looking for "hidden" file or partition, couldn't find anything. Ran sector check and it returned 100%. Hope you can help me out and get this fixed!

RE: clutchc

No, it's not a failing pendrive. Everyone is far TOO quick to suggest that. I 'restored" the drive by using a program the writes and rewrites all zero's to disk. There was "something" on that disk that normal formatting wouldn't remove and therefore, what was causing the issues it had. The drive seems to be working, normally, now.
RE: popatim

My apology for not getting back to you sooner. The program I used completely wipes the entire drive is called Derick's Boot and Nuke or just DBAN. It does the job!!! Works on HDD and pendrive, but I don't think it will wipe a SDD?? Also, if someone had helped I would've 'checked the trophy" Why did you include that in your reply?