Performance Drop from GTX 760 to XFX RX 580 XXX Edition

Jan 3, 2019
I recently upgraded my GPU after many faithful years with my GTX. I was finally convinced by my IT brother to go the AMD route and began to build an AMD computer. I bought the GPU first, because I wanted to see how a better GPU would look, but have had nothing but issues with this new GPU. I've tried everything under the sun to troubleshoot the issue but I'm flat out stumped. I've made sure the HDMI cord is hooked up to my GPU, Uninstalled and clean installed the AMD drivers four separate times with DDU, ran a full system scan of my windows files, made sure my power supply was at high performance, and ensured that all my games were using my RX 580 instead of the integrated graphics. With this in mind, I'm at the end of my rope and need help. I am currently getting a solid 10-20 fps under what my old GTX 760 used to do with this new card.

For Reference, I played PUBG on medium/high settings with my GTX and got a solid 40-50 FPS, I began playing on my RX 580 on VERY LOW settings and got a solid 6-15 fps in game. (In the menu I get around 40-60 fps).

System Specs:
CPU: i5-4430 @3.0GHz
MoBo: B85-P33 Micro-ATX (Bought in when I budgeted my first build)
PSU: Corsair CX500W
GPU: RX580 XXX Edition
RAM: 8Gig Corsair DDR3 @ 1600MHz
*I think it's important to note that I play my games on a 50" LG LED TV- and the HDMI is hooked into my GPU, not my MoBo.

Any help would save me countless hours of meditation and repeatedly trying to convince myself to not punch my monitor.
The CPU temperature is very high. I recommend reinstalling the CPU with new thermal paste. What is the CPU cooler's brand and model? It may have gotten loose when you were installing the video card.
Obviously, there is something wrong with your system and not GTX 760 > RX 580. What are your system's temps during idle and gaming? Did you purchase the RX 580 new or used? If you purchased it recently from a authorized reseller, you may want to consider exchanging it.

So at idle, my GPU is sitting at 33 degrees C, my CPU on the other hand while idling is (idling at 3% usage) is 66 degrees C across all four cores. In game (I used Company of Heroes 2 since that was the first one I saw) and my GPU doesn't push passed 50 degrees C, while my CPU skyrockets to 90+ degrees C. (I'll admit, I hadn't looked at the temp of my CPU until now, and I'm a lil' uneasy about such a high count)

I purchased it brand new from Amazon, came in the original box all taped and everything- and I know the card isn't bad, I tested it in my brother's rig (he's got an older CPU and MoBo than I do) and he's getting astonishingly high frame rates as compared to this one.

So I ended up pulling my rig apart and inspecting the heatsink. It had apparently broken two of it's pins and was not secured to the motherboard- nor was it dissipating any heat from the CPU. I ordered a new heat sink and applied new thermal paste to the CPU. I guess the heat was throttling my performance.

After doing all of this, my FPS has improved tremendously, and I can now play every game on high/ultra settings with no fps dip.