Question Performance issue - RAM?

Jan 21, 2024
Hey Guys,

After over a month of fighting on my own with this issue I have decided to ask for help.

To briefly describe my issue - about 2 months ago my game (WoW) started to stutter to such an extent that it was unplayable. Apparently issue was with the NVidia drivers which were faulty. I have learned it along the way while going through multiple forums and rolling the drivers back to the older version.

However after doing so (while preforming BIOS reset, OS reinstallations (7 times) and multiple different actions - I have so far failed to bring my PC back to the state that I could enjoy gaming. My last resort/last hope was to remove 2 DDR5 DIMS and go back to using only 2 DDR5 DIMS (Kingston FURY 32GB (2x16GB) 6400MHz CL32 Renegade RGB).

Recently I have downloaded LatencyMon which clearly states that there are issues with DPC routines while advising to disable CPU Throttling which I did although I was not really convinced that I should as before I never had issues with default settings. Today I have resorted even to reapplying new thermal paste on CPU which improved nothing.

At this point of time I'm desperate to get any help to be able to finally fix my PC. I'd greatly appreciate any help.

<a href="">image-2024-01-21-095009766
Hey Nine! Please find the results -

I need to add that in general PC seems to be stable, no BSODs or so. Issues starts in game when first of all performance is not up to bar but mainly l what I experience is that game lags and then tries to catch up.

I have tried multiple XMP profiles, no XMP profiles, etc. At one point changing even display scaling in Nvdia control panel made game faster or slower - animations, etc.

Tried multiple drivers and settings.
The results look excellent and you have things dialled in perfect. I cant help further but at least others can see your components are performing well even though you may have game performance issues.
Have you tried other benchmarks such as UNIGEN SuperPosition or a whole load of 3DMark benchmarks ?
Hopefully someone else may have specialist knowledge of game engine issues with modern hardware and firmware specific to WoW and nVidia.
Dunno, any suggestion more from me will simply expose my lack of knowledge beyond the basics ! Good luck.
There maybe some WoW forums too
Stuttering is caused by a temporary lack of a critical resource.
Usually cpu.
FWIW: Userbenchmark is considered by many here as junk science.

What might have changed since two months ago when all was well?
Have you installed any new programs?
On the list of installed programs,are there any new ones or others that you do not recognize?
Perhaps you have contracted a virus or malware.
Run the malwarebytes free edition as one check.

Are you multitasking while gaming?
An app like discord can pre-empt your cpu.

Run memtest to verify that your ram is working ok.
One full pass with NO errors should do it.

Check with the WOW forums for game patches or settings.
Hey, first of all thank you all for posts and for your help.

I did MeMTest on XMP1 and XMP2 which came flawlessly. recall updating BIOS before leaving for holidays and then this GeForce driver which screwed me hard.

I'm keeping quite tight control over what I'm installing and what not - so there are no ICue alike software's present. I'm also using BitDefender for past few years which have a very small failing rate so far.

I think something is broken in general from the 3d acceleration side as from what I have noticed while playing and opening char menu with the 3d miniature of my model, my FPS drops by 50% and stutter goes sky high.

I'm uncertain yet on which level it is broken as I have installed multiple versions of drivers and DirectX - without the luck so far.

I have abandoned 4 DIMS now, but 2 months back PC was running on 4 but only with tweaking and around 5700 speed.