Question Performance problems on gaming laptop ?


May 2, 2020
I had this issue for months now and have tried posting about it again recently but didn't get that many people to see it unfortunately so I'm going to be trying to repost it in hopes of finding some more help with this issue.

I've had a Gigabyte G5 Gaming Laptop for about 2 years now and it's work pretty much perfectly fine and ran all the games that I've wanted to well in that time but recently there has been this very weird stuttering/fps drops issue and I can't figure out why. The issue is when I play most games they run well for about a couple minutes at most and sometimes not even that long and then after that they stutter and freeze up pretty much every second when I'm playing a somewhat graphics intensive game like Destiny 2, Call of Duty MWII, or even a well optimized game like Doom Eternal that always used to run well before.

I've tried checking my performance through software and the only thing I've found is that when the fps drops my gpu utilization goes down for that second as well so maybe it's something with that? I've also completely reset my pc so I also don't really have much software installed right now except steam and my games but it's still doing the same thing after doing that which makes me think it might be some kind of hardware problem but I really have no idea, I've also tried using my ssd for games, turning down graphics to the lowest and a few more things but nothing has seemed to work and I'm not sure of what else I could try to fix the problem.

Also since this I have opened up my laptop and didn't find much in terms of dust or anything inside that would hinder performance and have uninstalled my old drivers as well and reinstalled the new ones.


As time moves onwards, hardware performance drops. Since you have laptop, it most likely saw high temps in the past 2 years, accelerating the hardware degradation.

Clean Win install, which includes format of OS drive, is essentially only option you could try. This removes software issues, IF issue is with software. But if even clean Win install doesn't help, you have 2 choices:
* live with it
* get new laptop


May 2, 2020
Yeah that does sound like a possibility but it seemed to only last about a year or maybe year and a half before it started doing this which is pretty crazy and I also did reset my pc once to try to fix it but that didn’t work either if that’s what you meant but I guess I might just have to deal with it like you said.


which is pretty crazy
If you consider it's relatively cheap price to proper gaming laptop, then it producing a fault isn't that unbelievable.

This review here,
Didn't find the laptop great piece of hardware, by criticizing it's poor build quality, short battery duration and running hot and loud.

Then again, if you pay peanuts - you will get monkeys. And any hardware that is built cheap, won't last long. Hence why there is still a market for more expensive hardware, since well build hardware lasts longer and durability is in high demand.


May 2, 2020
Excuse me if I missed it, but what are your temps?
I was playing some Call of Duty Black Ops III tonight and it seemingly capped out at around 88-89C and didn't get any higher than that but I haven't tested anything else in terms of temperature unless there is one you think would be a better test but that is somewhat high right?