Question Persistent & intermittent dropped connection in all games ?

Jul 21, 2024
So for quite possibly the past year I have had my connection "drop" for no less than 10 seconds during certain times for 5-10 minutes, possibly longer. I only noticed the problem after I started playing DayZ on PC earlier this year after a very long time away from the game and I do still play it regularly. This issue makes playing it frustrating to impossible. It affects all games I play, but DayZ is particularly sensitive to it. Kicking me out of the game constantly. This issue seems to happen FAR FAR more frequently after midnight. It can have no issue during the day sometimes, but it does happen during the day as well. This issue is literally not noticeable if watching videos. Matter of fact the icon on Desktop that tells you if your connection is active or not does not change to the disconnected icon.

I have called my ISP, basically useless over the phone. They sent a technician that said the connection was perfectly fine when he used his device to check it out and after he did some tinkering on the line outside. Issue is still present. I have swapped between 4 different ethernet cables and it makes no difference. What I am fearing is the issue is something with my PC itself. It is after so many years a very scuffed PC. Parts are old and it still uses the HDD it came with over a decade ago. Lack the means to make any major upgrades or getting a completely new PC. Idk if processing issues or anything in that realm could cause my PC to struggle to even process the internet itself. It also could be my HDD causing problems. Already checked for overheating issues from either the PC or the Modem and/or Router. That is not the issue I am sure.

I5-4690k CPU
AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT GPU
16gb RAM
Always directly wired with Ethernet into router. (Forced to remove WIFI adapter for space inside of PC long time ago)
Windows 10

Despite this one issue and the parts I have, my PC has and does manage playing games like DayZ just fine. Never had a single issue with my ISP or internet connectivity in all the years I have used it until the past year.

My ISP is Optimum. It was originally Suddenlink, but they were either bought out or merged with Optimum a few years back. Think its a regional provider, live in Louisiana.

Modem was sent to me by Optimum. Altice Model UBC1319. (This thing takes an insane amount of time to reset for some reason. Old Modem and Router combo took a minute at most.)
Router is Netgear Model- R62200.

Let me know if more information is needed. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to check this post and forgive me if I am slow to reply back.
Pretty standard first steps.

Open 2 cmd windows and leave a constant ping run to your router IP in one and some common ip like in the other.

Leaves these run in the background and when your game see issues quickly switch and check these windows.

If you see loss to your router then it is something inside the house. Generally something with the pc so maybe the event log shows something.

If there is no loss to the router but you see loss to then it generally means the internet connection dropped. Maybe there are logs in the router that would show something. The ISP might not see this if it did not happen when they were testing the cable. This is always a pain when the problem only happens say at night when they can not come to your house.

If you get no loss to either ip then it is not a simple internet issue it is either something strange with the game software or maybe the path to the game server.