kassler :
is handled by gpu...
Unless you have a crappy CPU behind it then the GPUs power is wasted since it cannot push further than the CPU can pass on data to it.
hence why I said there needs to be a balance. Most current GPUs will not bottleneck a quad core pre Core i7. But multiple ones will.
kassler :
Can you explain why phenom wins in some games just before the game is 100% bottlenecked by the gpu?
Did you understand the text about cache design? if you did understand that text, can't you draw any conclusions from that?
Did you understand the text about cache design? if you did understand that text, can't you draw any conclusions from that?
Cache design is great but you also forget that Intels cache design and prefecth are superior. Intels L3 acts as a buffer to save any data that has been in the L1/L2 cache to easily access and resuse faster than memory.
But because there are such superfast interconnects (QPI/HTT) having to access memory is not a burden. Most of the interconnects run at about 10GB/s (17GB/s tri channle DDR3) and will just get even faster. Being able to push that much data around makes it easy to utilize the memory.
You are just looking at L3. If L3 was a main deciding factor then C2Q would not be able to keep up with Core i7 or Phenom II in high res gaming but it does with one or two GPUs.
The biggest cache to worry about is the L2 cache since it will be utilized more often than the L3 cache will for games. The L3 for Intel is a sort of buffer as I said before so if the game needs to put through more data that it already had it wont have to look in memory or access the HDDs but rather grab it from the L3 cache which is on die. I am not too sure how Phenoms L3 works in comparison.