I too think Anand himself, shows a lil bias, but hes still one of the best. He called out the devs who made Assassins Creed, and nVidia, for? ATI, who was, and is owned by AMD, and this was before any economic ruin.
You want anti AMD bias, it aint [H]ard to find, but a lil favortism is found everywhere.
I favor AMD. Why? Cause they need it right now. Theyve done right by me in the past, and I dont really want that to go away, otherwise, if and when they get on solid ground again, theyre on their own
That doesnt make me a fanboy of AMD, just a supporter.
Maybe Anand supports Intel because he likes what theyre doing, as do I, but AMD needs my support, Intel doesnt.
I can make that choice, because AMDs offerings fit nicely within certain economic scales, whereas, as you pointed out, Anand does the same, the difference being is, hes a top notch site, which has to promote the best and the newest, and best lately has leaned a lil more AMDs way, because of the economy, thus his stories