[SOLVED] phenom ii x4 955 + Sapphire RX 570 + 4GB DDR3 RAM ok for gaming?


Dec 5, 2010
Hi, as mentioned Is this setup enough to play games of 2018-19 at 1080p high settings. Not looking for very high , just 60+ fps, will it do :

Asus M5a88v Evo ( AM3+ , can't support Ryzen 🙁 ---> Working Fine
Phenom ii x4 955 (3.2 Ghz) ---> Working Fine
212 X cpu cooler ---> Working Fine
2x2GB DDR3 1333 RAM ---> Working Fine
Sapphire RX 570 4GB ------> Yet to order
TX650M PSU ------> Yet to order
250Gb SSD + 500GB HDD ---> Working Fine
G413 keyboard ---> Working Fine

Also please suggest a good cheap wired Gaming Mouse.
Please don't suggest FX 8350, updating 8 years old system in budget & would like to save some bucks for a future Ryzen built.

Do let me know what you guys think.

Thanks for the reply man. I am also searching for DDR3 1333 kingston CL9 2x2GB modules, as I already have those 2x2GB. I know ram upgrade would be a + . For now I bought a new PSU TX650M + RX 570 4GB. PSU started giving trouble, well no complaints after 8 years usage. I think it will be jussst ok for gaming for 8 year old system. Hopefully it will last some more time, few more years. Then I will go for ryzen & new motherboard as well. Going for G90, read some good reviews 4 it.
Thanks again mate.