Personally, I'm waiting for rubber bullet gun forced feedback unit - you know, every time you get shot it fires a rubber bullet into you for the "realness" of the experience. (See how many people go for FPS then!) 😛
Honestly, from some of the feedback it appears that a few people suffer from a serious lack of risk assessment ability along with the typical US view that all activities should be reduced to "zero risk".
What is the probability you will die playing baseball? Skiing? Driving in a car? Living a sedentary life (playing video games instead of playing baseball or skiing, all while eating doritos and chugging down artificial carbonated beverages)? How many people have physical injuries from their dreams that are potentially lethal? (Personally in my nightmares I've been shot, stabbed, had my throat ripped, and atomized by a nuclear blast and I am still alive.)
Take a bit of advice from your friendly Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
Don't Panic
Yes, you are going to die someday. The up side? You'll finally have achieved a zero risk! However, heart disease, diabetes, or cancer will most likely get you before you die from a video-game induced epileptic seizure (anyone remember that scare?) or heart attack. Also, when checking risk, remember to check how many times something DOES NOT happen versus does. So a kid got hit in the chest and it stopped his heart - how many times do kids get hit in the chest with baseballs and their heart keeps beating? How many times has someone eaten peas (or whatever other food) and NOT choked to death? Sure, there is a risk - but everything you do when alive has some risk.