Philips Force Feedback Jacket Being Tested

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It sounds interesting but I doubt it will ever be marketable.

Who want to put on a jacket everytime they play a game or watch a movie, not to mention if you want to watch with multiple people, or what the temperature is like. And what about the sizing of this Jacket?

There are to many variables, and it's seems like a huge gimmick.
I can see more use for this kind of force feedback with FPS games than I can flight simulations. Imagine if something like this truly went mainstream. There you are playing Crysis, or COD4 or something, and you're feeling when you get hit.

As long as it wasn't "Michael Jacksonish" like mtyermom suggested, a couple folks might buy into it. :)
Anyone here has ever felt a .38 slug hit them while wearing a bullet proof vest? That hurts a lot. I personally would not like to wear this thing when i get a .50 cal sniper shot or some LVL39 super uber combomatic ultra that you as gamers already know, rocks your controller in your hand like a ship on the high seas lol
i'm a gamer BTW and these new VR suits and goggles really have me worried.

Can anyone remember the kid and the old man who had on the vr goggles and dies while playing a skiing game?
I'd like to see stanardized 3D technology first. I'm sincerely hoping ATI jumps onto the same page with nvidia and that it just catches on from there.
Don't waste your money on the jacket. If you want more realism when you get hit in games just get a friend to stand behind you with a baseball bat...
I find things like this to be rather useless. All they will do is apply pressure not even enough to cause pain or pleasure but just minor discomfort. The only effective way I could ever come up with to simulate realistic physical feelings is a VR that would appear real enough to trick the brain into thinking that its real. Causing lets say a kiss on the cheek to be actually felt.
Well demonhorde I don't think it could cause actual death in that manner though one can assume someone with health problems especially heart problems could due to their condition.

Though with proper VR it would be possible to not only feel what is going on but to have the body actually respond to it. Things from adrenaline rushes to even a bloody nose is possible. Dreams can already cause these actions for some people. I mostly have violent dreams (due to my PTSD) and I often throw punches in my sleep, wake up with a bloody nose when in the dream I was hit there. (and no I did not hit myself)

I'm sure we all have had dreams that have felt so real. All we would have to do is make a VR that gives equal quality. It would produce the same effect.
Personally, I'm waiting for rubber bullet gun forced feedback unit - you know, every time you get shot it fires a rubber bullet into you for the "realness" of the experience. (See how many people go for FPS then!) 😛

Honestly, from some of the feedback it appears that a few people suffer from a serious lack of risk assessment ability along with the typical US view that all activities should be reduced to "zero risk".

What is the probability you will die playing baseball? Skiing? Driving in a car? Living a sedentary life (playing video games instead of playing baseball or skiing, all while eating doritos and chugging down artificial carbonated beverages)? How many people have physical injuries from their dreams that are potentially lethal? (Personally in my nightmares I've been shot, stabbed, had my throat ripped, and atomized by a nuclear blast and I am still alive.)

Take a bit of advice from your friendly Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

Don't Panic

Yes, you are going to die someday. The up side? You'll finally have achieved a zero risk! However, heart disease, diabetes, or cancer will most likely get you before you die from a video-game induced epileptic seizure (anyone remember that scare?) or heart attack. Also, when checking risk, remember to check how many times something DOES NOT happen versus does. So a kid got hit in the chest and it stopped his heart - how many times do kids get hit in the chest with baseballs and their heart keeps beating? How many times has someone eaten peas (or whatever other food) and NOT choked to death? Sure, there is a risk - but everything you do when alive has some risk.
[citation][nom]techguy911[/nom]They also have to be careful how powerful actuators are if you hit someone in chest in between a heart beat it can cause there heart to stop. goes for baseball, golf and any other sports....[/citation]

lmao, really now. They are tiny air balloons that inflate and deflate according to the game, they won't even cause a bruise at "max power". To stop a heart takes quite a shock, or jolt. The heart isn't that Fragile my friend, for if it were, we'd all be wearing metal vests to protect from bumps

As for the vest, I WANT IT NOW!... imagine a freaky game in the middle of the night, and some beast hits you from behind and u feel it, my christ that would scare me.. i'd scream and wake up the kids.. thats for sure.
this could add to a horror game, as long as its rarely used it could add quite a shock
There is already a vest that hits you with pressure in a game it is called the 3rd space gaming vest
and the web site is and suprisingly it has drivers for several games
[citation][nom]NuclearShadow[/nom]Well demonhorde I don't think it could cause actual death in that manner though one can assume someone with health problems especially heart problems could due to their condition.Though with proper VR it would be possible to not only feel what is going on but to have the body actually respond to it. Things from adrenaline rushes to even a bloody nose is possible. Dreams can already cause these actions for some people. I mostly have violent dreams (due to my PTSD) and I often throw punches in my sleep, wake up with a bloody nose when in the dream I was hit there. (and no I did not hit myself) I'm sure we all have had dreams that have felt so real. All we would have to do is make a VR that gives equal quality. It would produce the same effect.[/citation]

Sorry for PTSD you're suffering. I guess you were a soldier at the front line and with all your training you suffer. Think of an ordinary person in the same situation. And don't forget, there's a difference between dreams and what this suit offers: The dreams last only a couple of seconds. So, think, what a couple of seconds of increased adrenaline level does to you and a real time FPS game which continues for minutes would do to your body.

It's very likely that your heart will give up, or you'll burn your brain if you aren't a trained G.I.
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