This is awesome! I sit a little further from my monitor than a traditional setup and have found that a 27" display is a bit too small, and with my current resolution at 1200p the pixel density is far too low (especially now that I have been spoiled with my phone). When I heard about 4K coming out a few years ago I did the math and figured out that with my setup a monitor in the 36-42" range at 4K should be the perfect size and pixel density for my setup. Lo and behold just over 2 years later not only will the perfect display be available, but it will be well under $1,000! It is like they tapped into my dreams and made a monitor just for me!
Now all I need to do is finish school (again), get a job (again), pay a few debts (again), and then I can pick this up! ... I guess it might still be a while. :,(