Resenty more and more (now all) of my pictures(.jpg) have dissapeard. Windows just renames them & puts a .vbs in front of them (ex: aa.jpg -> aa.jpg.vbs) & they become 11.8kB large & renaming them dose NOT help.
Are they lost FOREVER ???
Can i recover them ???
How can i prevent this ???
Is it win2000 or the harddisc ???
(my *.mp3 files get that way too but the original dont get delited. I just get a copy *.mp3.vbs in the same catalog)
Resenty more and more (now all) of my pictures(.jpg) have dissapeard. Windows just renames them & puts a .vbs in front of them (ex: aa.jpg -> aa.jpg.vbs) & they become 11.8kB large & renaming them dose NOT help.
Are they lost FOREVER ???
Can i recover them ???
How can i prevent this ???
Is it win2000 or the harddisc ???
(my *.mp3 files get that way too but the original dont get delited. I just get a copy *.mp3.vbs in the same catalog)