Picture on HDTV Looks Different From Two Different Computers


Nov 30, 2013
I can't find a solution for why, when hooking-up two different computers to an lcd-tv the picture for a video looks different. I am using an old IBM/Lenovo USFF desktop or a Compaq laptop (I can provide more details if necessary) and the same VGA cable. The picture from the laptop is normal; the picture from the IBM is much more red, you can see especially in faces--I can kind of correct it by adjusting the color and brightness on the tv, but it is still a little off. And then, if using a different computer I have to constantly adjust it. I am playing videos downloaded from the web--avi, flv, mkv, just about anything.

As I recall, when I had the IBM connected to a monitor--many of the videos are old 4:3 so I used such a montior--the picture was fine.

I've tried to research this and suggestions tend to be cable or pins. The cable seems fine--it works elsewhere, and I even tried moving it or playing with it--and the pin connections are fine. I don't intend to replace any video cards in these old computers. I've also tried several different video players.

Is there to adjust this on the computers themselves? Thanks.
My guess is that your lcd display is set up to mirror your computer and your computers are set up with different color settings.

To calibrate them to be the same search for "Calibrate display color" in the windows search bar and give them both the same settings.

Hope this helps,
I think I was offbase in my approach to the problem. Probably the display color is fine. There are all kinds of adjustment in WMP and MPC and the video card.

I tried to delete this thread but couldn't. If the mods can and want to that would be fine with me.