[SOLVED] Ping issue

Mar 15, 2020
When i play games i've started to notice that my ping is not very stable. I went to the cmd and to the site called https://www.meter.net/ping-test/
in the cmd the results looked like this:


On the other site it went as high as 465 ping spike.
My internet isn't really the best but it averages around 30/30.
i use an ethernet cable to my pc and always have. I have also tried other routers and called my isp alot of times but the outcome has always been the same.

A solution to this would be really appreciated!
You want to disable IPv6 just to make the troubleshooting easier. IPv4 and IPv6 follow different paths and not all sites have ipv6 support so you can get kinda random results.

You need to run more tracert to confirm what you are seeing.

The one you have indicates the problem is in hop3. It is highly likely the problem is actually in hop2 but the ISP has that router configured to not respond.

The good news is if it is these early hops it is in your ISP network and not another ISP that you can do nothing to get fixed.

In many ways it would be better if you had packet loss. The ISP seems to be able to fix those easily. Delays generally mean overloaded connections. Be very sure that nothing in your house is using all your...
You need to discover where the delays are located.

I.e., within your network, within your ISP, beyond your ISP, or even at the target website.

Try tracert and pathping.

Google to learn about using each command and interpreting the results.


i tried tracert and there were some results but after some it just said request timed out.
the lifewire site you sent me. the "tracert [-d] [-h MaxHops] [-w TimeOut] [-4] [-6] target [/?] " doesn't work.
I don't understand some of this so could you explain it like i'm new?
Just keep the tests simple.

For example (targeting Google)



Run each command several times and post one result from each test that seems to be the most representative of what happens.
Tracing route to dns.google []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
0 DESKTOP-THM5I92 [my ip]
1 homerouter.cpe [my ip]
2 * * *
Computing statistics for 25 seconds...
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 DESKTOP-THM5I92 [my ip]
0/ 100 = 0% |
1 0ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% homerouter.cpe [my ip]

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms homerouter.cpe [my ip]
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 87 ms 59 ms 23 ms lim96-dci-1.vrf1257-188.bundle-ether3s208.tele2.net []
4 65 ms 62 ms 65 ms lim-core-1.bundle-ether8.tele2.net []
5 25 ms 31 ms 35 ms lim-vpe-3.bundle-ether5.tele2.net []
6 62 ms 61 ms 43 ms lim-fgw-1.ae0-unit17.tele2.net []
7 65 ms 47 ms 39 ms lim-vpe-3.bundle-ether3s16.tele2.net []
8 27 ms 28 ms 48 ms lim-core-1.bundle-ether5.tele2.net []
9 55 ms 64 ms 47 ms lim-core-1.bundle-ether20.tele2.net []
10 35 ms 39 ms 54 ms hgd-core-1.bundle-ether20.tele2.net []
11 89 ms 86 ms 69 ms
12 127 ms 75 ms 36 ms
13 71 ms 42 ms 73 ms
14 53 ms 53 ms 44 ms dns.google []
You want to disable IPv6 just to make the troubleshooting easier. IPv4 and IPv6 follow different paths and not all sites have ipv6 support so you can get kinda random results.

You need to run more tracert to confirm what you are seeing.

The one you have indicates the problem is in hop3. It is highly likely the problem is actually in hop2 but the ISP has that router configured to not respond.

The good news is if it is these early hops it is in your ISP network and not another ISP that you can do nothing to get fixed.

In many ways it would be better if you had packet loss. The ISP seems to be able to fix those easily. Delays generally mean overloaded connections. Be very sure that nothing in your house is using all your bandwidth. Try it with just 1 machine plugged in and the wifi radios disabled. Watch the resource monitor network tab in your pc to see how much upload and download you are using.

Your best option is to run ping commands to hop2 or hop3 which every will respond and show the ISP the spikes. That way they can not blame the game or some other ISP. Most level 1 tech understand the ping command....we can hope at least.
You want to disable IPv6 just to make the troubleshooting easier. IPv4 and IPv6 follow different paths and not all sites have ipv6 support so you can get kinda random results.

You need to run more tracert to confirm what you are seeing.

The one you have indicates the problem is in hop3. It is highly likely the problem is actually in hop2 but the ISP has that router configured to not respond.

The good news is if it is these early hops it is in your ISP network and not another ISP that you can do nothing to get fixed.

In many ways it would be better if you had packet loss. The ISP seems to be able to fix those easily. Delays generally mean overloaded connections. Be very sure that nothing in your house is using all your bandwidth. Try it with just 1 machine plugged in and the wifi radios disabled. Watch the resource monitor network tab in your pc to see how much upload and download you are using.

Your best option is to run ping commands to hop2 or hop3 which every will respond and show the ISP the spikes. That way they can not blame the game or some other ISP. Most level 1 tech understand the ping command....we can hope at least.
okay! thanks for the help, i will look into it.