dear community
at the moment i am workin on a new plan: i am planning a Wi-Fi controlled rc-car using Arduino UNO, ESP8266 Websockets or UDP the question that arises here. how would you decide?
i want to create an Arduino project about a Wi-Fi controlled (ESP8266) RC car using.
- with a tight budget you can’t really buy everything you need at once.
what is needed:
An Arduino UNO
An ESP8266
An L298N motor driver - with or without H-bridge
An LF33CV 3.3V regulator
An RC car
Also batteries that meet your needs / much better: a power-pack
regarding the protocolls - not yet every decision is made:
- which protocol should i use!?
- WebSocket protocol or UDP-protocoll?
i need to figure out what else is needed to run this project with ESP8266 / NodeMCU one.
what is WebSocket Protocol?
guess that i first will try out to go with the WebSocket-approach
but furthermore: well after setting up all with a WebSocket-approach i afterwards will also try controlling the car with other protocols like HTTP or UDP to see the difference, if any
at the moment i am workin on a new plan: i am planning a Wi-Fi controlled rc-car using Arduino UNO, ESP8266 Websockets or UDP the question that arises here. how would you decide?
i want to create an Arduino project about a Wi-Fi controlled (ESP8266) RC car using.
- with a tight budget you can’t really buy everything you need at once.
what is needed:
An Arduino UNO
An ESP8266
An L298N motor driver - with or without H-bridge
An LF33CV 3.3V regulator
An RC car
Also batteries that meet your needs / much better: a power-pack
regarding the protocolls - not yet every decision is made:
- which protocol should i use!?
- WebSocket protocol or UDP-protocoll?
i need to figure out what else is needed to run this project with ESP8266 / NodeMCU one.
what is WebSocket Protocol?
WebSockets are a bi-directional, full-duplex, persistent connection from a web browser to a server. Once a WebSocket connection is established the connection stays open until the client or server decides to close this connection. With this open connection, the client or server can send a message at any given time to the other.
guess that i first will try out to go with the WebSocket-approach
but furthermore: well after setting up all with a WebSocket-approach i afterwards will also try controlling the car with other protocols like HTTP or UDP to see the difference, if any