If you've not bent any of the tiny contacts in the socket I'd say it's good to be used.The lever seems to works fine. Here is a photo of the cpu inserted back with the broken piece laid down flush where it was before. Seemed to fit normal and lock in normally to me.
View: https://imgur.com/a/YzP1E2X
You will also need a GPU, memory and display of course.Do you think it will still work? Is there a way to test it with only mother board cpu and psu?
If you've not bent any of the tiny contacts in the socket I'd say it's good to be used.The lever seems to works fine. Here is a photo of the cpu inserted back with the broken piece laid down flush where it was before. Seemed to fit normal and lock in normally to me.
View: https://imgur.com/a/YzP1E2X
You will also need a GPU, memory and display of course.Do you think it will still work? Is there a way to test it with only mother board cpu and psu?