Play Modern Warfare 2 MP For Free This Weekend

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I guess tech forums will soon be swamped with Strict NAT threads.
And that last comment is why I hate MW the original and will never, ever pay for 2. I bought 1 and was constantly frustrated with tools who lurk in a corner, get 10 kills, then get a heli and keep on going. Being a giant douche should not win you the game.
hackers, cheaters, laggy IWnet, non working VAC that is not banning anymore, map rotation that does not work, etc etc. Makes sense that they have a free weekend. Paying players are leaving this game like rats leaving a sinking ship and potential players who actually read reviews avoid this game like the plague. Enjoy the download and prepare to be headshot......a lot.
I got this game as a gift for christmas on steam, but I haven't played it for about 2 months. It's honestly not worth it. And just a word of warning to those of you who have not played online yet. You will most likely get lit up, since everyone knows the maps inside and out and will camp in some obscure corner, or ran around with commando and marathon perks on. What a great game (sarcasm)

I've been playing BC2 since early March and haven't looked back once :)
Why dont you actually give this game a chance, I have it one PS3 and it's truly a innovative and amazing FPS. BTW who cares about the fact that its only dedicated servers, o sorry u cant mod and stuff, go whine somewhere else.
For the first couple weeks, I liked this game. It just got old and tiresome very quickly. Those of you who decide to take advantage of a free weekend offer should keep that in mind. Trust me, the first time you sit in a lobby waiting for an eternity for a game to start, or run into a texture hacker and get nuked within 3 minutes of a map start, you'll understand.
primed and ready. Thursday @ 4pM here I come! I fully plan on making sure I'm bored of this game by Monday so I never get tempted to actually buy it.
This is due to all the bad publicity around them firing their 2 top guys and others leaving. They want to milk the consumers into buying their future, crapier products. That is, of course, if you don't hate them already.
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