Play SimCity Offline? There's a Mod For That

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Sep 15, 2011
[citation][nom]edogawa[/nom]So a modder did what a team of developers couldn't....that's sad.EA is getting worse by the year.[/citation]



Mar 12, 2013

unless he meant "couldn't" since EA said it was not possible due to the resources required to run the game
[citation][nom]edogawa[/nom]So a modder did what a team of developers couldn't....that's sad.EA is getting worse by the year.[/citation]
you mean So a modder did what a team of developers wouldn't
I will buy that game, when i can play in offline mode. So EA, you have a potential customer right here, all you need to do is get your sh!t together and allow offline mode.


Dec 27, 2012
[citation][nom]Skcor[/nom]unless he meant "couldn't" since EA said it was not possible due to the resources required to run the game[/citation]
Well, EA is lying. As simple as that and this mod proves it.


Jun 11, 2001
EA sucks and is going to pay dearly for requiring always on internet and the heavy DRM. Most people have heard about this and will not buy an EA game again (I know I never will). It's time to put our money on companies that stay away from DRM. Build good games for reasonable prices ($60 is no where near reasonable) and people will buy. $20 for a game should be TOP. I bought Serious Sam 3 and Minecraft as my last games, fyi.


Jul 14, 2006
So, EA and some big co-operations are screwing it's paying customer left and right and wondering why people would pirate the games ?

It's pathetic to buy a game and have to wait for the 3rd party mod so that u can play the game that u paid with ur hard earned money.


Sep 17, 2009
[citation][nom]smeezekitty[/nom]I will consider buying it once we have a local save hack...[/citation]

Don't buy it if there's a hack. You are giving them money to support their always-on DRM system. I *really* want to play SimCity, but I refuse to spend my own money to support such a terrible system. Speak with your wallet -- it's the only thing that EA cares about!

(That said, don't pirate either. The game developers see pirates as "lost sales", so it just gives them more motivation to further reinforce such ridiculous DRM schemes like we see in SimCity. Just keep your principles and, as hard as it may be, avoid playing SimCity until these issues are fixed. For me, as much as I hate it, this may mean that I never get to play the new SimCity. At least I'm keeping my $60 away from EA's pockets in the meantime.)


Oct 6, 2003
I hope the folks at EA are reading this and leave the mod alone. Or at least give us the real offline option so we can play the game without being forced to use internet connection just for solo gaming.

I do understand DRM and their rights to protect the game but come on these are legit customers we're talking about and they are pi$$ing them off.

My final pet peeve.. $60 for a game??? What?? Lower it to $30 and the game will sell like hotcakes.


Jun 4, 2012
it's possible to enable debug mode

But progress can only be saved on the Origin servers, so a connection will be required at some point. Access to SimCity's region features also isn't possible – at least, not yet.

So what your saying is no it doesn't work and all you did was turn on testing? Once the full set of features work THEN AND ONLY THEN can you unequivocally state that offline mode works. All I see in the video is a lot of debug options being used to lay stuff down and kick off events, you know things that should be available in a debug mode. People still complaining about connection issues obviously haven't played the game. I haven't had problems for the last week.

Having issues about always on connections? Guess what this is the the world is headed, almost everything else you do is connected to a remote server in some way, games just took longer to catch up. Just another journalist fanning flames to get more hits.

I know no one will ever see this comment since it'll be down-voted in about 5 minutes.
[citation][nom]iam2thecrowe[/nom]you mean So a modder did what a team of developers wouldn'tI will buy that game, when i can play in offline mode. So EA, you have a potential customer right here, all you need to do is get your sh!t together and allow offline mode.[/citation]
Same here. I have been looking forward to this game for a long time now and would really like to play it, and I don't even mind a bit of DRM to keep me honest with my purchases. But I will not purchase a game that requires an always on internet connection.
Yes, my system is always connected. But I would rather like to still have an option to play the game I purchased 5+ years down the road when it is no longer popular and I get an itch to play a new city.
All this DRM stuff is total BS. Pretty much all of the Kickstarter funded games specifically have NO DRM - simply because it is/was DEMANDED by the backers. Yes, the BACKERS (who have legally purchased the game via Kickstarter), DON'T want DRM. You'd think this would be crystal clear by now.


Mar 15, 2013
It is too bad that EA had to go Diablo 3 route instead Anno 2070. In Anno 2070 you can play the game offline just fine, however if you choose to play offline you will lose the access to the ark which contains useful upgrades.


Jun 5, 2012
[citation][nom]echozero[/nom]It is too bad that EA had to go Diablo 3 route instead Anno 2070. In Anno 2070 you can play the game offline just fine, however if you choose to play offline you will lose the access to the ark which contains useful upgrades.[/citation]
Anno 2070 was a DRM Piece of $$h!t as well. really wanted to buy it but i refuse to contribute sales to a DRM gimped always online microtransaction bull$hit that will cease to be playable whenever the board of directors says "fu** it" and pulls the plug on the server.


May 11, 2007
Still not buying the game. That would support EA and nothing motivates EA to change what they do other than money. We have already seen what they think of fan loyalty with their belief that Simcity lovers would want some kind of SimSocietiesVillage.

Plus there is no guarantee at this point that EA won't find a way to stop the hack in some way.

Now Tropico on Steam sale, or Simcity 2000 on GoG?


Mar 15, 2013
[citation][nom]thecolorblue[/nom]Anno 2070 was a DRM Piece of $$h!t as well. really wanted to buy it but i refuse to contribute sales to a DRM gimped always online microtransaction bull$hit that will cease to be playable whenever the board of directors says "fu** it" and pulls the plug on the server.[/citation]

Yes Anno 2070 has stupid DRM but at least you can still play the game if the Ubisoft server is down. You just won't be able to get the bonus from your ark upgrades or use the items you store on the ark. Sim city in the other hand is complete out of luck if EA servers are down.

Sadly more and more companies do always on DRM for single players game. I dunno when the change be made but the options to play as guest is gone in sc2 heart of the swarm. Can't play the game without on log on


Jul 24, 2002
[citation][nom]iam2thecrowe[/nom]you mean So a modder did what a team of developers wouldn'tI will buy that game, when i can play in offline mode. So EA, you have a potential customer right here, all you need to do is get your sh!t together and allow offline mode.[/citation]

I wouldn't get the game even if EA/Maxis offered offline mode...

they lied saying offline was not possible and made game so restricting with only able to build "city" in a block-sized square...

get older SimCity with mods or even Tropico online DRM BS and pretty damm fun...
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