Playboy Online Loses To Porn Streaming

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It's probably because years ago Playboy was one of the few well-known mainstream options for naked girls. With the current internet availability for every possible porn related product you could imagine, paying for Playboy is like paying for a Sears catalog to look at the bra section.
Fakename hits it right on the head. I used to go out and buy porn magazines from my local dealer, but don't anymore because of the ubiquity of porn of all forms on the internet.
As a (magazine) subscriber, I don't see Playboy as pornography. I honestly do read it for the articles. If I want porn, I can easily find it on the Internet for free.

Playboy has always been about fantasy. They don't show penetration, they don't show the "head-on" shots of the crotchal region. They do air brush the girls for the same reason that they show $50,000 watches and $10,000 outfits for guys - it's fantasy. And they have explained this all in their magazine. When they send out their free videos with a subscription, it's typically pretty tame, such as two girls having a pillow fight. It's a fantasy. There's no sexual activity. They leave that to your imagination.

So what they really need to figure out is how to get people online to pay for their articles. THAT'S the challenge that I see.
Playboy nudity just doesn't cut it anymore...
I need at least brasilian fart porn and puking japanese girls to get my rocks off nowadays.
I've never really viewed Playboy as porn so much as a men's magazine. The nudes were always tastefully pictorialized, the articles well written, and the interviews interesting. Playboy was always about class and culture, and one aspect we should embrace more in our society is the fact that healthy nude women are beautiful and nothing to fear. Nudity doesn't equate pornographic.

I'd hate to see this piece of Americana fade away.
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