Players Are The Real Villains in WoW: Mists of Pandaria

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Translated to honesty: "Yeah, so we couldn't really find a good lore niche, but then we remembered! Horde and Alliance can simply fall back to pre Warcraft 1,2,3 days and forget all the progress made to find common ground and stop fighting. I mean who wants peace? Oh and did we mention, the old area will remain unchanged, making NO sense at all...yup, NPCs in outland will say the same things they've been saying for 5 years."

nah, it's over for me. goodbye WoW.
The real villains of WoW are the developers who after Wrath decided to keep adding in more PVP content yet at the same time deciding to balance classes based on which class they were playing at the time or was featured prominently in the upcoming patch's lore. Which has led to the current version of the game where playing Rogue is like walking around with an aim bot.

Because they most likely started putting their A-class MMO talent onto Titan years ago; WoW just feels so uninspired now! The game is dying all be it slowly, but it is limping inevitably to its demise. I just hope they don't totally burn and salt the hallowed ground of the Warcraft series as they continue to rape and pillage Wow's dying corpse.
If(not bored out of mind yet == true) {
1:Sit in SW;
2:Start Random Que;
3:Sit in SW;
4:Hit Alt-Tab;
5:Watch movie/whatever;
6:Wait for Random que to pop;
7😀o Random que for approx 45 mins;
8:Leave Random, sit in SW;
end if;}
If(Bored out of mind){
1:Hit Alt-F4
end if;}
With how badly Cata nerfed the game more than Wrath did, I find it utterly too easy to play. Even in Wrath I could take my level 52 paly and kill stuff 6, 7, 8, even 9 and 10 levels higher than my guy despite the fact that I was wearing level 30-45 gear. Now Cata is far easier than even that and I find it impossible to justify paying for that. Also, with the way that Blizzard ruined my PVP talent specs by forcing us to not go half and half like most proper PVP specs were, they took away a lot of the fun from one of the few fairly challenging things to do besides soloing five man dungeons that are my level.

Now a lot of the players that haven't already left are poor players that can't fight back even when they have far better gear that PVP is now almost as boring as the rest of the game. Honestly, I can't justify paying for the subscription anymore. At least Wrath had more fun PVP like beating out the idiot players two or three at a time even when they have far better gear than me in Arathi Basin, Alteric valley, Strands of the Ancients, and other battlegrounds (but not Warsong Gulch, I've just never liked that one).

[citation][nom]memadmax[/nom]If(not bored out of mind yet == true) {1:Sit in SW;then;2:Start Random Que;then;3:Sit in SW;then;4:Hit Alt-Tab;then;5:Watch movie/whatever;then;6:Wait for Random que to pop;then;7o Random que for approx 45 mins;then;8:Leave Random, sit in SW;end if;}If(Bored out of mind){1:Hit Alt-F4end if;}[/citation]

The random dungeon wait times are only that high for DPS only players. As a tank and healer, I've never waited more than 5 minutes and the wait was usually under 20 seconds. The problem there is that there are far more DPS players than there are healers and tanks, some DPS players wait much longer than tanks and healers.

[citation][nom]amplifiedesg[/nom]Because they most likely started putting their A-class MMO talent onto Titan years ago; WoW just feels so uninspired now! The game is dying all be it slowly, but it is limping inevitably to its demise. I just hope they don't totally burn and salt the hallowed ground of the Warcraft series as they continue to rape and pillage Wow's dying corpse.[/citation]

Couldn't agree more. Blizzard opened up WoW for casual gamers and people too stupid to learn to play, so the hardcore players are continually leaving the game for other games to play. WoW loses subscribers by the thousands each week or month and Blizzard really should get a clue.
All things considered, WoW has done a pretty darn good job. Do you know any other game that's 7 years old and still tops the charts? I don't.

That being said, the downturn of the game is a fact. And it's inevitable. Even the most fun stuff in life becomes dull and boring if you do it all the time. No expansion pack can bring back the joy of your first WoW toon. Not because vanilla WoW was so much better, but because it was your first WoW experience. That first experience has now long faded, and no matter what Blizzard does, it won't come back.
[citation][nom]blazorthon[/nom]With how badly Cata nerfed the game more than Wrath did, I find it utterly too easy to play.citation]

When Cata came out it was pretty darn difficult. Mobs hit a lot harder so I could only take 2 at most (as an spriest that is). Dungeons were very challenging and hard to heal, especially heroics. There were hundreds of threads with people begging Blizzard to nerf the content.

Now almost 2 years passed, 2 major patches passed, available gear got a lot better... what did you expect, that everything would remain as hard as it used to be?
Let's be honest, the graphics are completely outdated, PVE content is dumbed down, PVP is the same thing over and over and over. Sitting in org/stormwind till something cool happens. The game is dying, it may still be the top MMO, but its definitely dying. I can't find myself to come back to WOW with this new expansion. I was a pvper, and nothing else, glad was my only option every season.. but MOP just looks like a bag of rubbish that blizzard is pushing out to get one good milk from the "zombie" customer base.

Everyone should look into a new MMO, SWTOR is a good game, very good potential. WOW is done for me.
[citation][nom]Kryan[/nom]Oh and did we mention, the old area will remain unchanged, making NO sense at all...yup, NPCs in outland will say the same things they've been saying for 5 years."nah, it's over for me. goodbye WoW.[/citation]

Get real. What do you want the NPC's to say: "Hey, sorry pall, but Illidan, Lich King and Deathwing have all been defeated and there's really nothing to do here anymore. Just take this magic item and you'll be level 85. See ya!"

There's no realistic way for Blizzard to get the story in old zones synced to the story of the latest expansion pack. And if you think there is you really should apply for a high level job at Blizzard. No doubt they will hire you if you have a groundbreaking idea to solve this issue.
[citation][nom]blackbke[/nom]All things considered, WoW has done a pretty darn good job. Do you know any other game that's 7 years old and still tops the charts? I don't. [/citation]

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Welcome to BatMUD, Online since 14th April 1990! here's an game thats been online for 22years!
ok to the guy saying cata isnt easy i call bs, go to a vanilla wow server sometime or even burning crusade and see what it was like back then, all your dungions and raids now days dont require even half my attention to do.
[citation][nom]Forsaken Reaper[/nom]ok to the guy saying cata isnt easy i call bs, go to a vanilla wow server sometime or even burning crusade and see what it was like back then, all your dungions and raids now days dont require even half my attention to do.[/citation]

That's what I'm saying. I just tried Cata for the first time after I left a few months after Wrath thinking they nerfed it too much and I find out that it's nerfed even more and dumbed down even more. There's this ridiculous quest helper as if I can't even read the quest myself and everything just dies so easily. I don't care if it was more difficult just right before I tried WoW again, it was not difficult when I was playing it.

Vanilla and BC were much more difficult than Wrath and Cata. For example, your chances of soloing a dungeon the same level as you were fairly slim even if you had a paladin, especially so if you didn't even have gear your level. I've played the game from the beta to about halfway between WotLK and Cataclysm and I have to say, if I can just beat out everything like this, there is a problem.

Mobs don't hit as hard as they used to, have less health (a staggering amount of mobs that used to be elites aren't elites anymore), and just die so easily without even harming me. As a paladin, I can often kill mobs before they get to me. I couldn't do that before without the top or near top gear for the current patch and I was never a lousy player!

WotLK and Cataclysm have dumbed down the game more than I thought possible, even with Blizzard. It caters to the casual gamers and players too stupid to not keep dying because they can't learn to play a fairly simple game. During WotLK, I found more than one crap group in the random heroic dungeons that just could not play (usually the healers fault, but the DPS guys occasionally found a way to screw it up). At least then there was still some difficult things to do, like PVP.

Now, PVP in the low levels is based on having as many heirloom items as you can because none of the regular gear comes close to being as good, so only players with high level toons can win there unless they are very bad players (I don't care how bad someone is, I should not be able to kill another paladin who has twice my health and does more damage than me because of having like six heirlooms, but it kept happening).

Of course, so far, PvE is even worse. Idiot tanks (when I'm healing) decide to just go and take on large trash mob groups or a boss fight even when I'm not there yet and almost get themselves killed as I am running back to them and just barely make it (I won't make it every time and there will be wipes just because the tank can't wait for me to refill my manano matter how many times I say that I need to drink to get my mana up).

I'd had an occasional bad heroic dungeon group in WotLK, but at least it was occasional, not a recurring theme of the game in the random dungeons as I'm leveling up. Then there's the fact that I went from 1 to 65 in two weeks despite not even trying (I didn't spend more than two and a half hours a day on the game and almost half of that time was spent farming). It's just too easy.
The sha is weak with this one. Giant Pandas ? give me a break. I gave up on MMOs but if something interesting came out I'd give it a try. I do have a LOTRO account and mounted combat sounds interesting. Give me a great story and add mp.
Players will be the true villians eh? It will be nice if those top players of each realm is named the biggest baddies in the game and the rest of the players do raid to take them down, haha.
of all the people here, and else where, saying that everything is super easy, and there is very little content added etc. how many of you have more than 1 level 85? I bet it is a lot of you.

Who here thinks that going from level 85 to 90 is the equivalent amount of content as going from 1 to 60?

Who here will be kitting out their level 1 pandas with heirlooms and blasting their way through all the content?

I moved from a US server to a UK server so I lost everything. No transfers across the ocean! I didn't have 5 level 60s going into BC, i didn't take 5 level 70s into Wrath, I didn't take 5 level 80s into Cata, and I don't have 5 level 85s going into MoP.

It's great that there are people who worked so hard in the game that they can equip their new shiny level 1s with 6 heirlooms. But it is really disheartening to do a dungeon and pull 1/3 of the dps and be bitched at because you aren't pulling your weight.

Sure the game is dumbed down. How many people actually want to play the original game? How many of you want to play BC again? Honestly, do you think "YAY, I get to run through all of the content in BC again." ... NO, you get in at level 58, and leave at level 68, and you mainly wait in queues for a dungeon. I did that, and I am still trying to get my first level 85 on the server.

I will give the pandas a chance ... and I will whine that my shammy has been given 20 stupid totem talents and are meaningless.
WoW has some story quests in it that force you to unknowingly do bad things. I HATED those quests, they made me mad, and once I ran through them the first time and found out what they were about, I never ran a character through them again.

There are other quests in which the player character's emotions are controlled by the game, not the player. These things also tick me off. My character isn't YOUR idea of who it is, it's MY idea of who it is. This is one of the reasons I say WoW is not an "MMORPG"; the devs have no clue what "RP" is. MMOG, yes, good one, yes, MMORPG - no.

Yeah, what I really want is Blizzard to try to - what, teach some kind of Eastern philosophy religion? Not. (I've always thought it was the height of hypocrisy for these monks to claim to be non-violent and be masters of violence. "It's wrong for me to kick your face into submission, but I'm going to train most of my life so I can do it. Oh, I'll feel bad when I do, so that makes me superior to you not only because I've mastered control over my body enough to kick your face in, but I'm enlightened enough to feel bad about it."

This is one of the reasons MoP's announcement was such a let-down; I could see this coming.

Then, to top it off, they talk about the Horde and Alliance getting back to their "true hatred" of each other. This makes me truly mad, and there are millions of people that feel the same way I do. Okay, you have this (stupid and unnecessary) conflict to support PvP, we'll live with it, but don't make my character as one that hates the "opposite" faction because you want to uphold PvP content in a dull and un-inspiring way!

I took some time off playing WoW, remembered the things I enjoyed despite what I don't like, and re-started a subscription on one of my accounts. I've been enjoying playing again. However, this kind of talk once again takes the wind out of my sails.

It doesn't just effect my view of WoW and desire to play it, either; frankly, I can't see much reason to want to play Blizzard's next MMOG either. Same devs, same philosophy.

Games, MMOGs in particular, are always a mix of good and bad, what I want with what I don't want (or is just plain broken). WoW has been a shining example of that for me - and it's "pluses" have outweighed the "minuses" for me for quite awhile, but it's getting harder and harder to say that. I see the writing on the wall, and it's turning into a neon glare so bright that I am having trouble ignoring it.

For all you PVP QQ's, go find another fucking game, we don't need you and never wanted you, see if you can keep a pvp game running for as long as wow has been around.
[citation][nom]amplifiedesg[/nom]Because they most likely started putting their A-class MMO talent onto Titan years ago; WoW just feels so uninspired now! The game is dying all be it slowly, but it is limping inevitably to its demise. I just hope they don't totally burn and salt the hallowed ground of the Warcraft series as they continue to rape and pillage Wow's dying corpse.[/citation]

I can't help but think this is the real reason for the simplified "talent tree"; they want to make it as easy as they can for second-string, no-talent devs to keep the game maintained from here on out.

Original Everquest seemed to do a great job incorporating the new content into old-world zones and vice/versa. Probably the main reason it still has a decent following and the Lore is unmatched by any other MMO, save WOW.
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