Playing with low fps and i have lags in games (AMD)


May 2, 2017
I have Amd Radeon r7 M260DX and i play games with low fps. Even league of legends i play it with 30-40 fps. I don't know what causes this problem, i have 8 gb of ram and i should play it at high settings. I am thinking that i use the on board graphics card to play the game, i can't figure it out with amd settings, i need help. I must use both graphics cards, if i disable the one i get low resolution and unplayable experience (3 fps). if i run CPU-Z It shows that i run the onboard graphics card. How can i make the default card to be the deticated one? Note that i have updated to the latest drivers using driver booster 4.
That's a notebook videocard. As such, what framerate you 'should' get depends on lots of things such as resolution. Your computer should use the more power GPU when gaming. Since you didn't provide information on what make and model of computer you have, I can't help beyond saying that.

yes i play with full resolution (1980 x 1080).

My model is lenovo z50-75

Here is a screen shot of my settings:

same thing happens. At start i play with 60-100 fps then after some time of gameplay i drop to 20-40 fps
here is a screenshot of my graphics card settings in gaming tab. Everything is 0,why?


it is 1 years old laptop