Wish I could help you man, but my post is more of a rant than anything else. I borrowed a friend's Xbox to play DS years ago (cool game!) but then within a week he wanted it back (to play DS of course!). I looked into the PC version when it was finally released (I don't own any modern consoles) but after some research I refused to buy it because of reports of the shoddy porting they did. Now, after seeing your post I just looked at Steam thinking that maybe it's super-cheap and maybe they patched it but nope, they want $20 for it and apparently the developers STILL haven't addressed the simplest problems with their garbage port. But they are happy to continue to take your $20 for a 720p 30fps PoS port that they continue to sell! From what I've read the keyboard/mouse controls are garbage and it's easiest to use a controller. I realize there are community mods that allow different resolutions and framerates, keybindings, etc. to actually make it playable, but the fact that the developers themselves still haven't fixed it makes me continue to avoid their product. If community mods can fix it then the developers should have fixed it long ago, especially if they are still selling it for $20! This tells me that the developers don't care AT ALL about supporting their product and the continued high price indicates the port only exists as a cash grab. "Inexperience with PC porting" my horse's rear! It's a shame because it was intriguing during the brief time I played it and I know people who love it on their consoles. I just refuse to reward cash-grab developers who refuse to support their products. For goodness sake, Blizzard just patched Diablo II and WC3... Ok, ending rant now. Feel free to continue to tweak it with mods as best you can, but if I were you and if you still have the option - I'd seek a refund. Good luck!