Please help me understand Google Apps setup- DNS? MX Records?


Dec 14, 2007
I'm so SO frusturated. I've just spent the last few hours trying to figure out what I'm doing. I'm trying to set up a Google Apps Premiere Account for my dad (like a microsoft exchange server). They are asking me to change a bunch of funky settings with my domain name. I really want to understand what in the world is going on here. What is a 'dns hosted' domain name vs a 'registered' domain name? Mine is simply 'registered.'

Here is what Google Apps tells me I'm supposed to do:

To configure your MX records with eNom:

1. Log in to your account at
2. Open the Domains tab and select My Domain Names. You'll be directed to the Manage Domains page.
3. Click the domain that you'd like to use with Google Apps.
4. From the Domain Details panel along the right, select the + icon under the Total DNS Control list item. A sub-list will appear.
5. Click the entry titled Total DNS Control And MX Records. The Manage MX Records, and DNS Zone File panel will appear.
6. Click Launch Total DNS Control Manager. The DNS Manager window will appear.
7. Clear all existing MX Records by clicking Delete.
8. Click OK in the confirmation dialogue box.
9. Once you've deleted all existing records, click Add New MX Record. The MX (Mail Exchangers) Record Wizard will appear.
10. For each MX Record, enter information according to the data in the table below:
* For the Select the Priority Value drop-down menu, enter the priority value.
* For Enter a Host Name, leave the default setting to @.
* For Enter Goes To Address enter the Gmail server name.
* For the Select TTL Value drop-down menu, enter 1 Hour. This will appear as 3600 seconds within the DNS system.

Mail Server PriorityValue

11. Click Continue.
12. Click Add to confirm each entry. The DNS Manager main page will reappear when you've finished.

Congratulations! Your MX records are now configured to point to Google. Keep in mind that changes to MX records may take up to 48 hours to propagate throughout the Internet.

NOTE: Make sure each entry is entered exactly as it appears in the following table, including the trailing dot at the end of each record.

Note: Test your MX records after 48 hours to ensure that they’ve been configured as outlined here.

If you’re still having trouble configuring your MX records, check out a sample message of what to tell your domain host for further assistance.

What does changing those records do? I'm looking for knowledge here - I don't understand what I'm doing. What does changing MX records in my website do? What is a Cname??

How do I install this Python so that I can upload the CommaSeparatedValues File and have my contacts within Google Apps? I don't know how to run this SETUP.PY file!!!

omg I'm so frusturated..