Please Help me!

White Wight

Sep 14, 2013
My computer yesterday got restart by itself, and then it won't go past the black screen, this happen once in the past, after a few on and off it goes back. I plug out my 2 external hard drive because of the need to on the off the computer. After getting it back, I plugged in again the external but the other one won't be read. When plugging it there was no sound, but there's the light and there is the feeling of it spinning inside. I try looking in the device manager, disk management, and task manager but no luck it not there. please help, thank you.
PS: the external is WD my passport 2TB
It should more than 1 year. Check this out:
You can contact the WD's Support either by e-mail or phone on the warranty and RMA questions:

Apart from that, you can go to BIOS the following way:

In case you have tried using different cable/port(even attached the drive to another Windows system) and the HDD is not recognized by Disk Management/Device Manager, then I guess you will not be able to access it with software tools. I guess it will not hurt to try accessing it with some data recovery software and see whether it will pick the drive up...
Have you tried swapping the wires, try a different wire first. Maybe the connection is loose. Or maybe you got a problem with your USB port. Try also esata connection instead of USB if possible.
Hi there White Wight,

Sorry that you are facing some issues with your WD drive. 🙁

So the HDD is not recognized by Disk Management and Device Manager right? You can check whether and how it is recognized by BIOS. Also, you can try using the ports on the back of the computer case as they tend to provide more power.
In case you attach the drive to another system, you can be sure whether there is something wrong with your system or with the HDD itself.

Is the drive under warranty? Do you have some data stored on it that you need to retrieve?

Let me know how this goes,
D_Know_WD :)
I already try the port on the back but still no luck. I haven't try the bios and another system(because all I have here are window), I did try it on laptop but still won't read. The warranty of WD external are usually 1 year right? Been using it for 2 years now. It really have a lot of files, used 1.6TB out of 1.8TB of it. ; _ ;
It should more than 1 year. Check this out:
You can contact the WD's Support either by e-mail or phone on the warranty and RMA questions:

Apart from that, you can go to BIOS the following way:

In case you have tried using different cable/port(even attached the drive to another Windows system) and the HDD is not recognized by Disk Management/Device Manager, then I guess you will not be able to access it with software tools. I guess it will not hurt to try accessing it with some data recovery software and see whether it will pick the drive up:

In this case, you can either RMA the drive if still under warranty or use the services of a data recovery company in case the data on the drive is really important.

You can check WD's Data Recovery Partners out:

