[SOLVED] Please recommend a monitor with the new Eye Care features ?


Apr 28, 2013
Hello all,

For my job, I'm using online meeting software literally almost the whole week for 8 hours a day. I'm almost continually speaking with other people online.

With this in mind what Monitor should I buy that would have the least negative effect on my eyes. I'm currently using an old Lenovo ThinkPad E520 laptop with a really matt screen, which is pretty good on my eyes. But I'm moving to a newer desktop and I want a new monitor with all the new Eye Care features

Budget is around $100. Any recommendations?

Thank you.
All indications are that monitors with "Eye care" features offer absolutely ZERO benefit to anybody. There simply is no evidence that supports it. Just get a normal monitor, you'll NEVER be able to tell any difference and that's not an opinion, that's the science.

So far, the evidence shows no meaningful link between blue light and:
  • damage to human retinas
  • or age-related macular degeneration

What size monitor are you looking for?
Did you read the information at the link I posted? Because I know you probably did not.

Again, we turn to the experts. Dr. Shedlo tells us that “flicker rates between 70-90 Hz will present a screen that does not appear to ‘flicker’. The flickering itself is not dangerous to your eyes, it’s just annoying. Flicker rates above this are outside the range of human perception and make absolutely no difference. These rates have no effect on eye strain.”

So, as long as it's a monitor that is at least a 70hz refresh rate, there will be no "flicker" and therefore no eye strain. It's the flicker, not the blue light, that causes eye strain, and anything above 70hz will be either not obviously flickering OR simply not perceivable to the human eye, and again, will not cause eye strain. That's most monitors these days, but even so, there are very FEW monitors that are only 100 dollars. Not even the most basic entry level monitors are for the most part. Although, 20" is very small for a display these days. Generally a 24" is the smallest anybody is looking for and is probably what you want to target.

This would be a very good option at the price range you've indicated. LG makes very good monitors and it's both an IPS panel and has a 75hz refresh rate.

PCPartPicker Part List

Monitor: LG 24MP60G-B 24.0" 1920 x 1080 75 Hz Monitor ($99.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $99.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2023-10-26 02:28 EDT-0400