Plextor 12/10/32A and CloneCD important issue



According to the Elaborate-Bytes homepage (programmers of CloneCD), all the Plextor 12/10/32A recorders but the hardware revision TLA #0101 are supposed to support Read Subchannel Data from Data Tracks. My burner is a hardware revision TLA #0202 B unit and I suspect it doesn't support this feature (CloneCD tells me the unit doesn't support it). Does your particular unit support it? Could you tell me the hardware revision? Anybody with the same hardware revision as me with Read Subchannel Data from Data Tracks working properly?
Where did you find out the hardware revision info? I have a friend who just bought one that was able to burn some stuff with CloneCD, but I don't know what hardware revision he has nor where to look for it. If you tell me, I could find out from him what he has and report back.

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