Poor game performace

Feb 15, 2018
My computer model is : HP ENVY PHEONIX 810-160 desktop
Mother board: MS-7826 (Kaili)
Processor: Intel core i74770
Hard drive: 1TB + 16GB mSATA Disk Caching solid state drive
Power supply: Internal 600 watt (100v - 240v)
Graphics card: GTX 1050 ( Which I added my self )

Hello, I'm having a problem when gaming with my pc. It first started way back when I brought the pc about two years ago, I would play a game called garrys mod and every now and again the game would stick and the audio would be on a loop whilst the keyboard and mouse remained unresponsive. It would happen most commonly when entering the game or when a lot of things happened at the same time. I stopped using my pc then for about a year ( I wouldn't use it for gaming) I presumed it was the graphics card as the one witch came with the actual model I believe isn't very good. So I decided to buy the GTX 1050 and I still have these issues when Playing games like Frtnite and overwatch. On Fortnite when spawning in the graphics take a while to render and when playing overwatch , I notice if I turn to fast there are splits in the screen and over all the whole performance is fairly slow.

What have I done so far:
I've reinstalled windows two or three times , Once swiping my computer entirely.
I've installed avg boost up and security. The boost up didn't work when I first used it, it caused by pc to blue screen with an error code.
I have updated all of my hard drives through a software called : Driver booster 5
I have tried using the games on lower settings but the same still applies.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to computers so sorry if the information isn't accurate.

Another thing i forgot to mention is that my computer does this weird thing where it will beep four times and during this i'll have little controle over my mouse.
My internet isnt the best at the moment but im gonna try a wired connection tomorrow and see if that helps at all, i've been montroing my ping though and it allways stays between 100 - 250.
Microsoft windows often does not respond ( When the white box pops up) however this seemed to have stopped since reinstalling windows again last night.
6GB Ram is "recommended" for Overwatch, while it is "minimum" for Just cause.
There is no such thing as "too much" RAM, but have this list:
8GB is recommended minimum for 90% of games
after 12GB it shows no improvement of Windows 10 performance
16GB is recommended for about 5% of games, mostly the most modern ones.

With you system, I'd check how you'd get the cheapest, and simplest update.
If you have 6GB, you might have 2+2+2+0, or 1+1+2+2 GB in four slots. Or 2+4 in two slots.

Aim at least at 8GB, maybe 12, at best 16GB (you will see no existing game profiting from more that 16, and most will have their optimum at 12 as well). Budget tip: Try with keeping any 2GB or 4GB sticks, only filling empty slots of 0GB or exchanging 1GB...
The system in itself sounds ok, and you did nothing wrong, as far as i can see.
This sounds a bit like thermal throttling. Check if all the fans in your PC are running.
Check temperatures (you need software for that, ask around here).
Perhaps use Taskmanager, and watch how the system behaves. Are there components at 100% while gaming?

Thank you! I put my hand at the back of my pc and it did feel warm. I'll download task manager and see how it goes.

Also what would you suggest I do if they are not running 100%? Buy a new one ?
When i.e. the harddisk or the network interface run at 100%, your system will experience stuttering, which translates into a bad gaming experience. This can happen even in very fast systems, and slow them down to a grind. Then it would be the idea to see what makes them run so high, and stop that. Sometimes the reason for this is malware, sometimes a very slow harddisk, or something else.

You have at least four fans in your system, more likely it are five:
- on the CPU
- on the graphics card
- in your PSU
- in the front
- in the back
The ones to check if they are running are on the CPU and on the graphics card. You can only check this by opening the case, and looking at them.
If they are not running, the PC protects your components by reducing their speed to 1/64. They thereby stay cool, but become very,very slow. Often, only for miliseconds, but very often within a second. The game then feels like "stuttering"

btw.: Your "splits" in the screen when you turn fast in games means you have not set the setting "v-synch" ("vertical synchronisation"). This can be set in game-settings very often, and should remove that effect.

Hi after a few days of testing with task manager iv noticed that when I start overwatch is uses about 50 - 70 % of my memory usage. I tried turning the fan speed up and this did help a little bit however I still freeze after a while. It is run ning a lot better than the first time we spoke but now I am running it In its absoloute worse settings , which sucks because I thought the graphics card was good. any more advice?
50-70% Memory usage is ok (although: of what? How much RAM do you have? This is more for my curiosity)
Requirements are here: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/65159
Ranking is here: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html
That shows the 1050 is in the "recommended" range.
This means it is good enough for a game like Overwatch, and the recommendations by Toms hardware reflect this:
BUT this also means, the intended resolution is 1280*720 (HD). At what resolution do you play?
If you play at 1920*1024 (FullHD) - and this is so, right? - it would be ok at (perhaps) medium to (recommended) low quality settings.
If you would turn it to lower resolution, the CPU would become more important, an therefore heat up even more.
You still have to open the case, and see if the CPU-fan is spinning (or use BIOS to look at the fan-speed).
I still suspect the CPU throttling, but i can't say this without you looking at the fan speed.


I wanted to test my computer with a wired connection before getting back to you. When playing some games it tells me I have low memory like playing Just cause 3. I dont suspect gpu throttling as I have made sure all the fans are working and are at 100%. Adjusting the resloution and and fan size defiantly did help but in overwatch i have the problem that some times my models just wont load or my cross hair will disappear.
The memory I have now is 6gb would u recommend upgrading ?
6GB Ram is "recommended" for Overwatch, while it is "minimum" for Just cause.
There is no such thing as "too much" RAM, but have this list:
8GB is recommended minimum for 90% of games
after 12GB it shows no improvement of Windows 10 performance
16GB is recommended for about 5% of games, mostly the most modern ones.

With you system, I'd check how you'd get the cheapest, and simplest update.
If you have 6GB, you might have 2+2+2+0, or 1+1+2+2 GB in four slots. Or 2+4 in two slots.

Aim at least at 8GB, maybe 12, at best 16GB (you will see no existing game profiting from more that 16, and most will have their optimum at 12 as well). Budget tip: Try with keeping any 2GB or 4GB sticks, only filling empty slots of 0GB or exchanging 1GB slots...
