Question poor performance

Feb 22, 2021
My friend is experience issues with his setup when playing fortnite.
He is getting much less frames than expected, it is not a constants issue.
He has a GTX 1070 and a I5 6402P with 8 gb RAM.
He is in periods only able to run fortnite stable at 30 fps!

I am sorry I have not seen the issue myself yet so I don't have much more information. But I did get screen shots from 3D Mark test.
It looks strange in the last test, where the cpu is tested. Here the frequency of the GPU goes up and down. I have attached the pictures.
Any suggestions where we can start searching for the issue. He is all into buying a new cpu+motherboard right now. But i suggested that we should ask if somebody had a good advice.
Any suggestion is more than welcome, Thanks in advance.


I am not really sure what manner of performance in this test should be expected, but the frequencies and temps all seem to be relating to each other properly. The CPU and GPU are hitting target frequencies.

8GB of RAM is a bit low now. I don't see anything on here reflecting if that is a 1/2 stick if it's not running dual channel that can help.

Temperatures seem to be in line.

Might consider things like checking background usage. Check the disk(s) for speed and errors.

Other things to consider are, is the game a genuine product or was it pirated? Could there be a virus somewhere?

Might be worthwhile just for further info to have them run a UserBenchmark and post the link back here.
Thank you very much for the quick response.
I will get more information from him and try to get the pc to my home, it will be alot easier.

He is only playing fortnite (no license), so no pirate software.
What I was puzzled about was the last part of the test where the CPU was tested my own PC is giving a straight line and not the steep up and downs.