Whenever I play games such as h1z1 I get a constant buzzing in the backround. Also when watching YouTube videos I get an annoying deep popping sound.
I've verified that this only occurs on my PC with multiple devices. The problems occur with multiple headphones as well.
Could I possibly need a new sound card? How would I go about choosing one?
Specs: https://gyazo.com/e151cb65ac439b33f58d2e6b2e64e030
Thanks so much for any help!
I've verified that this only occurs on my PC with multiple devices. The problems occur with multiple headphones as well.
Could I possibly need a new sound card? How would I go about choosing one?
Specs: https://gyazo.com/e151cb65ac439b33f58d2e6b2e64e030
Thanks so much for any help!