Porwer Supply needed. What to get?


Oct 20, 2015
My System:
CPU: Intel Core i5 4570
Motherboard: ASRock H87 Pro4
Memory: 16Gb DDR3
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7970
OS: Windows 10 64bit

So a while back I upgraded my motherboard, got new memory and got a new graphics card. Now whenever I play certain games, particularly poorly optimized yet heavy graphical games, my computer will work fine for about and hour, sometimes two and then everything goes black and the entire computer crashes.

Yesterday I decided to open my case up afterwards to see if I could figure it out. When I touched the top back of the case where the power supply is I very nearly burned myself it was so hot.

Problem is I don't know enough about computers to know what I need to replace it with. Can anyone advise me? Below is an image I took of the details on the side of my current power supply.
