Good afternoon.
Inside a very old microtower, used for a cameras recording system, the memory it had installed was requested to be upgraded because the need of making the computer going a bit faster. The motherboard is a Lenovo L-IG41M3 V:1.1
The memory it had installed was:
2GB 2Rx8 PC3 - 10600U - 9 -10 - B0
I went to a PNY reseller, gave the old memory and they handled me:
8GB DDR3 1600 PC3-12800 - CL11-11-11-28 1.5V DIMM
However, after trying to turn on the computer with the new one, it does basically nothing, the 'Load' light is dead, it just turns on and stays inert.
Any help with this issue, please?
Also, here are the two RAM memory slots.
Inside a very old microtower, used for a cameras recording system, the memory it had installed was requested to be upgraded because the need of making the computer going a bit faster. The motherboard is a Lenovo L-IG41M3 V:1.1
The memory it had installed was:
2GB 2Rx8 PC3 - 10600U - 9 -10 - B0
I went to a PNY reseller, gave the old memory and they handled me:
8GB DDR3 1600 PC3-12800 - CL11-11-11-28 1.5V DIMM
However, after trying to turn on the computer with the new one, it does basically nothing, the 'Load' light is dead, it just turns on and stays inert.
Any help with this issue, please?
Also, here are the two RAM memory slots.