Possibly Mobo won't fit exacly?


Jan 20, 2015
Hello friends,

Well, I ordered these two: Mobo ( GA-B150-HD3P (http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=5590#ov)) and the Case : Aerocool 500.

What I saw is that the Mobos right side screw is not located (or looks like) over the cases mobo stand. Does anyone have seen this mobo and if this is really a thing. Is it ok if I don't screw the right sided mount or not?

Thank you in advance and sorry for my bad english :)
I don't think you'll have a problem, the standoffs are configurable to match the motherboard. Before mounting ensure that the standoffs are in the correct corresponding tapped holes on the case backplate.

Yes I know that it should but these motherboards standoofs holes are too close. I really have never had such a hard time to figure out something. Also the mobos length is 215mm and the cases standoofs distance is 245mm.

If you check you will see the dimensions of the mobo is 215mm while other atx are 245mm as my cases standoffs are.

Are you sure you are using the right pattern? Remember that the top left corner with i/o connections is going to be wedged against the case. The top left corner screw should always be the starting point for standoffs.You can use a ruler to assist in selecting the correct standoff points. Remember that only the solder plated holes on the motherboard are used for mounting. Any hole without silver metal should be left empty.

Yes I know mate, thats the problem though, that the right central mobos screw hole is on the air with the dimensions I'm getting. I have the case and I messured it. The length of the mobo is shorter than the right side screw hole for standoff.

If I leave as it is with no right screw is there going to be a problem?


It won't be a huge problem unless you put a lot of stress on the unsecured portion. Just try not to push anything too hard against it and you should be fine.
Well I found out what to do. Same formfactor b150s don't even have that hole so as my friend above mentioned to be careful not to put force on that weak spot the answer is that its there if you can do something with it. If you can't leave it as it is.