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Matt Frisch wrote:
> Nikolas Landauer scribed into the ether:
> >
> > Hey, read closer. He said the *player* is immune to magic.
> > That's neat! I want it; how did he get that way? However,
> > what does this have to do with his character?
😀 *ducks*
> Come to that, I'm immune to magic too. I've never been
> affected by a spell in my life!
If you've ever had a significant other, yes you have. Heh.
> > > > The text suggests he is immune only to magic that
> > > > allows SR. He is wanting to know if he can drink
> > > > potions of healing (and such).
> > >
> > > I'd say no, he can't.
> >
> > I agree. Healing spells explicitly allow SR, and
> > therefore would fail. Something that doesn't allow SR
> > would be a better choice, but there are very few things
> > that don't. For example, you couldn't even raise him
> > from the dead if he dies... You could animate him as
> > a skeleton or zombie, or you could clone him.
😀 That
> > said, even if he catches a disease, he's screwed
> > without a heroes' feast, and if he's level-drained or
> > ability-drained, he's got no way to heal that.
> If he were really and truely immune to magic, then he
> couldn't ever be level drained, and only natural poisons
> could do ability damage. Think of it as a skin-tight
> mobile anti-magic shell.
Not true. He is explicitly only immune to magic that allows SR, since
other magic isn't actually *magical* once it hits. /Acid arrow/ will
damage him, for instance.
As for level drain, I was taking Aardy's page at face value, which
appears to have been at least a slight mistake: /enervation/ and
/energy drain/, both listed on Aardy's page as SR: No, are both
actually SR: Yes in the PH.
That said, he absolutely *can* be energy drained or ability-drained
via poison or other ability. (Su) abilities explicitly do not allow
SR, and most energy drain or ability drain abilities from, for
instance, undead, are (Su). This is one place where anti-magic is
stronger than this, which is basically "spell immunity for all
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