@Smorizio, I'm not sure that's true. This is my interpretation:
Let's say you have a 450W 80+ Gold PSU now, and you want to look at getting an 900W 80+ Gold PSU.
If you system uses all 450W, then you'd be 87% efficient, meaning you'd draw about 517W from the wall.
If you went to 850W gold, with the same draw, you'd be 90% efficient, meaning you'd draw 500 W from the wall.
If you paid 40 cents / KWH (Which is a MASSIVE price, I pay about 11.8 cents/KWH on peak, about 6 cents on off hours) 17W is .68 cents per hour (yes, cents, not dollars) saved by going to the better PSU.
Of course, if you'd using an OEM PSU that isn't even 80+, and you go to an 80+ Gold, it would be a much bigger difference. The big benefit from going to 80+ isn't...