Power supply failure, Need advice on a new one


Apr 28, 2012
A week ago there was a loud bang from my computer and now it fails to power up. What are the chance that the components would have survive the power supply overheating?
I could do with some suggestions about a replacement 600w power supply, don't really know which brands are the best.

He could try swapping the components into another PC...at least that would work for the GPU, aux cards, and disk drives. Not so much for the mobo/cpu

I was going to try that with my graphics card, but I was told to get a 600w power supply for a 250gts and the only other power supply I have is a 250w from a 10 year old computer.

So If I put the old power supply in my computer and connect it to everything but the graphics card it should work? or do I need to remove the graphics card from the motherboard?