Power supply failure


Apr 12, 2018
My psu failed and Iam going to buy a new one but Iam afraid that even the new one fail too .
I was wondering if the power socket was the reason because maybe it gives more power than what it should give, so is that true or it was only the power supply itself ?
If you are worried ybout the power socket, you can additionally protect your PSU by getting an UPS unit. But PSUs can surely die simply due to internal malfunctions or failing components, not necessarily due to power fluctuations.
Most of the time, it is caused by the power supply itself. there can be various reasons. Was the power supply that failed a low quality one? Did you overload one socket by connecting a socket board? If you are concerned about the power coming from the socket, grab a multi meter and check the socket

I have corsair rm650x
My pc specs:
Gigabyte gtx 1060 6gb
msi z270-a pro
8gb ram
So I don't think I overloaded it t

I just had it for 7 months
This is a quality unit, but as you are well aware, quality units also die. Sometimes prematurely as well. It is just that the failure ratio is much much lower than with the bad quality units - but it still happens. Even with the most expensive ones.

So its from the psu not from the power socket

Thank you !