Power supply needed for gtx260 sli?


Oct 19, 2009
will my OCZ 600 be enough? ive read that at load this sli setup draws between 510 and 550? whats the worst that could happen if the cards are underpowered?? thanks guys!! :)
i would recommend 750watt or higher (make sure its a good brand named PSU).
if you dont have enough power your computer may not start, or the GPU drivers will underclock your graphics card but its best to not put your system under that type of stress

give the 600watt ago but i think you might be pushing it

If I remember correctly invisik managed to make the SLI setup work with an Antec Earthwatts 500 😀. I don't recommend it, but it gives you a good figure to estimate from. I think your PSU will be ok.
go to the nvidia site they have recomened psus for card setups there i think but i know a GTX 295 can be run on 600 watt PSU so i would suspect that SLI GTX 260 would work with a 600 watt PSU
it will work on the 600W just fine when the power supply is new; however, when the capacitors in the supply begins to age, you're going to have a higher and higher probability of a problem. If I were you, I'd spend the extra $20 and get a 750W supply (I recommend corsair)... after all, you're spending like $320 or so just for your gfx cards.