Power supply through adapter?


Jul 17, 2017
So every now and then, I decide to browse the used market of other countries and then think about how awesome it would be to buy a cheap pc from there.....
But I’ve always wondered, if I was to buy a system from over there, would I have to replace the power supply, or could I use like a travel adapter to plug it into my wall and make it work? I’ve always been curious because I can’t really find any info on if an adapter is just a pass through point, or if it could fail kinda thing.



With a desktop you can just change the cable out for something that fits your plug.
With a laptop it depends if the cable is detachable or not.
HOWEVER whats most important is that the VOLTAGE is in specs. Some adaptors/psu's only operate in the 100-120v range or 220-240v range. If this is the case be very carefull that you get the correct one. This is not common but does happen to save money.