Power to the motherboard and other parts but nothing on display.

Sep 27, 2018
I upgraded several parts on my pc, that basically make it a brand new build (gpu, cpu, motherboard, ram and psu). And I've built a few PC's before so I followed the instructions correctly. Unfortunately when I boot up nothing happens, I get power to the fans (all of them) and here the hard drives spinning but nothing appears on screen.

I've browsed a few other forrums but ultimately found nothing that helped.
1. I checked if CPU was properly installed
2. One stick of ram in all slots (1 at a time)
3. Unplugging all unnecessaries

CPU: and ryzen 5 2600
Mobo: ASRock ab350 pro4
Psu: evga 750 GQ (80+ gold)
Ram: Corsair vengeance LPX (ddr4 2x8 2666mhz)
Gpu: amd Sapphire 290
1 SSD and 2 HD (all in working order)

Case power button works fine to turn on, turning off doesn't work (the hold for 5 seconds thing)

If you Need info to go on, let me know I'll provide as much as I can.
Edit: tried clearing the CMOS didn't work.


There could be 2 things wrong here.

1. Let's assume that your motherboard is updated to the BIOS version 4.70 or higher. You probably plugged your HDMI/VGA cord to the motherboard. You're supposed to plug it directly onto the GPU.

2. (ACTUAL PROBLEM) You have a 2nd Generation CPU with a 1st Gen motherboard.
The Asrock AB350 Pro4 is for 1st Gen CPUs. The model that support 2nd Gen CPUs from Ryzen is the Asrock AB450 Pro4 (B450 models).
If you can RMA then I suggest you do that and go for the AB450 Pro4 instead.
If you can't, your only other solution is to update the BIOS to version 4.70 or higher. In order to do this, you will need to connect a 1st Generation Ryzen CPU first, this will allow you to boot the system, download the BIOS...
There could be 2 things wrong here.

1. Let's assume that your motherboard is updated to the BIOS version 4.70 or higher. You probably plugged your HDMI/VGA cord to the motherboard. You're supposed to plug it directly onto the GPU.

2. (ACTUAL PROBLEM) You have a 2nd Generation CPU with a 1st Gen motherboard.
The Asrock AB350 Pro4 is for 1st Gen CPUs. The model that support 2nd Gen CPUs from Ryzen is the Asrock AB450 Pro4 (B450 models).
If you can RMA then I suggest you do that and go for the AB450 Pro4 instead.
If you can't, your only other solution is to update the BIOS to version 4.70 or higher. In order to do this, you will need to connect a 1st Generation Ryzen CPU first, this will allow you to boot the system, download the BIOS firmware update, update it, and then you can put your R5 2600 back in there.
If you can't do this and can't return it, I would take it to a PC shop that owns Ryzen CPUs and ask them to update it for you.