PowerColor 9700Pro with R350 core?!


May 3, 2001
I am arguing with a guy who claims that his PowderColor 9700Pro has a 9800Pro core (R350). As this is an <b>extremely</b> stupid thing to say from him, I made a bet (he didn't accept it yet, but I can't wait to see if he does :smile: ). I told him that if his 9700Pro has a R350/R360 core (as a 9800Pro), I am going to give him my 9800 Pro. But if he's wrong, and it has a regular R300 core, then I'm gonna get myself a free 9700 Pro :wink: .

As stupid as it sounds, I am still a little bit nervous about this, because I know sometimes PowderColor makes some not-so-orthodox modifications to its boards. But there is a long way to putting a R350 core on a 9700Pro (and then discontinuing the product :lol: ).
Again, don't throw any stones, but did anybody hear anything about this kind of "mutant"?

"I cannot give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma"
- The Wizard of Oz, talking to the Scarecrow
maybe R300 cores arent in production anymore? and they had to use R350, sinse they are the same thing

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then why sell it 9700Pro, instead of 9800 Pro (even if the PCB is 9700), I assume that the most important thing that defines a videocard is it's GPU. Some manufactures stray from the PCB reference design and/or use different memory, but still they name their cards according to the GPU used (the only difference I know is R360 on 9800 Pro, but is one thing the difference from 9800 Pro to XT, than from 9700 Pro to 9800 Pro)

In addition, I could not find any mentioning of this R350 9700Pro on the net... so I'm still believing that the guy simply doesn't know what he's talking about. I doubt that he removed the cooler and looked at the core... he probably read somewhere that the R350 is basically an overclocked R300, and this is why he makes that claim.

"I cannot give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma"
- The Wizard of Oz, talking to the Scarecrow
ah yes, more than likely you are right

and youd really take his video card?? if he isnt your friend, then i can understand =)

<A HREF="http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/you.html" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="http://www.subhi.com/keyboard.jpg" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>
nah, he's not my friend, he's just a guy deliberatelly misinforming people in order to sell his stuff. And because of that, I would gladly spare him from the effort of finding a buyer for his 9700Pro at 300$.
He is also claming that there is a HUGE difference in performance between 9200 and 9000 just because of the AGP8x (tested himself :wink: ), and that the 9000Pro 128DDR is waaaay better then the 64DDR version (9000Pro 64DDR is crappy, don't buy it, buy mine with 128 DDR blahblah)
You probably get the idea by now....

"I cannot give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma"
- The Wizard of Oz, talking to the Scarecrow
heheh i say take his card and sell it.

"This Steel ain't stainless, Your bloodstains are all over this steel."
<A HREF="http://www.cameronwilliamson.com" target="_new">-={Messianic Maniac.}=-</A>
<font color=green>{FLM}</font color=green>
It's entirely possible that it has the R350 core; did you ask him if he looked at the GPU? If it says R350, then that's it. They may take the R350s that don't perform well enough to use in the 9800s, and they use a 9700 Pro BIOS. From a production standpoint it may be cheaper for ATi to do it that way- simply make less GPUs and distribute them based on their performance, sort of like the way they rate CPUs.
Many 9800pros have 9800XT (R360) cores - but thats due to demand for the pro being higher than the XT. Cant see a 9700pro having an R350 core though as they stopped making them when the 9800 came out.....

<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=7737657" target="_new"> My rig </A>
Sorry this is not directly related to the main topic...
However After reading the last post about some 9800pros have a 360 Core ... How does one find out what core is in a 9800pro?

okay u have to follow these steps carefully
1. turn off your computer
2. open your case
3. take out ur video card
4. remove the heatsink
5. remove the thermal paste
WARNING!! the next step is dangerous!
6. read the letters on the core !!!!!

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hehe you got <A HREF="http://figz.com/~deters/photos/index.php?view=00Stuff/ownedballs.jpg" target="_new">OWNED!!!</A>

"This Steel ain't stainless, Your bloodstains are all over this steel."
<A HREF="http://www.cameronwilliamson.com" target="_new">-={Messianic Maniac.}=-</A>
<font color=green>{FLM}</font color=green>
I can't test it now, but does Aida32 tell you something about your GPU core? It seems to offer pretty extensive info about the rest of the system

"I cannot give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma"
- The Wizard of Oz, talking to the Scarecrow
i dont think it does, ill have to check when i get home,

im pretty sure it doesnt though.

"This Steel ain't stainless, Your bloodstains are all over this steel."
<A HREF="http://www.cameronwilliamson.com" target="_new">-={Messianic Maniac.}=-</A>
<font color=green>{FLM}</font color=green>
yeah, it would be too good to be true....

"I cannot give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma"
- The Wizard of Oz, talking to the Scarecrow
<A HREF="http://www.cameronwilliamson.com\gpucore.jpg" target="_new">check this out aida does show it</A>

"This Steel ain't stainless, Your bloodstains are all over this steel."
<A HREF="http://www.cameronwilliamson.com" target="_new">-={Messianic Maniac.}=-</A>
<font color=green>{FLM}</font color=green>
PhukFace, you will be remembered in this Forum for this ground breaking discovery! No more "remove your heatsink and see what it says"! Praise to you, oh, all-mighty and all-knowing PhukFace!! And, of course, praise me for giving the idea :wink:

"I cannot give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma"
- The Wizard of Oz, talking to the Scarecrow
lol youre welcome but i dont think its that serious, lmao.

"This Steel ain't stainless, Your bloodstains are all over this steel."
<A HREF="http://www.cameronwilliamson.com" target="_new">-={Messianic Maniac.}=-</A>
<font color=green>{FLM}</font color=green>
How can you be sure that AIDA doesn't check which vid card is used and then says the core type? I guess someone with an 9800Pro and R360 core should check this out.

Abit IS7 @ 275 FSB, OCZ PC4200 RAM @ 550Mhz, P4 2.4 @ 3.3Ghz Vcore @ 1.625, Sapphire Radeon 9800P @ 410/780.
Thermalright SLK-947U, P3 HS @ NB.
what do you mean? i just provided a link that shows you it wil tell you.

i am misunderstanding your questioning prolly.

"This Steel ain't stainless, Your bloodstains are all over this steel."
<A HREF="http://www.cameronwilliamson.com" target="_new">-={Messianic Maniac.}=-</A>
<font color=green>{FLM}</font color=green>
OK, I'll rephrase: What I think that might have happened is that AIDA checked which vid card is being used and then, according to the card, it listed the core name corresponding - in this case R350. I'm saying that if someone with a 9800Pro and an R360 core showed us a screenshot, everything would have been clear.

This is the end of my post. No wait, this is...
oh i see, yeah that would be more helpful too.

"This Steel ain't stainless, Your bloodstains are all over this steel."
<A HREF="http://www.cameronwilliamson.com" target="_new">-={Messianic Maniac.}=-</A>
<font color=green>{FLM}</font color=green>
heh, the guy never said another word after I told him to make that bet :lol:
So I guess he was just having an ordinary 9700Pro and just playing tough to impress the suckers....

"I cannot give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma"
- The Wizard of Oz, talking to the Scarecrow
he never claimed that his board is a fully fledged 9800Pro.
He just said that his 9700Pro has a 9800Pro core. (I am pretty sure that the stupid sob was talking in general about 9700Pro's having 9800Pro core, and not necessarilly related <b>only</b> to his board.
Well, because he never said another word after I proposed the bet, guess we will never know :wink:

"I cannot give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma"
- The Wizard of Oz, talking to the Scarecrow
it's not in english, but if you know Romanian, that thread is surely fun :lol: .

"I cannot give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma"
- The Wizard of Oz, talking to the Scarecrow