Moving to a new place and we currently use powerline kits to get internet across the house. We are using rocketfish kit
I am searching newegg for a 3rd adapter so we can have one in the master bedroom. These rocketfish have a max speed of 200mbps. And I'm looking at trendnets
which is a max of 500mbps...i know that since my rocketfish wont utilize that. I figure I get it now...then when I want to upgrade/replace my rocketfish down the road I can go straight to 500mbps versions. Just wondering if they will play nice or if I have to stick with matching maximum capacity ones.
I am searching newegg for a 3rd adapter so we can have one in the master bedroom. These rocketfish have a max speed of 200mbps. And I'm looking at trendnets
which is a max of 500mbps...i know that since my rocketfish wont utilize that. I figure I get it now...then when I want to upgrade/replace my rocketfish down the road I can go straight to 500mbps versions. Just wondering if they will play nice or if I have to stick with matching maximum capacity ones.