Powerline with steam link


Apr 18, 2015
I would like to run my new pc (without wireless) through powerline. But I also plan on getting a steam link and runing that through powerline as well. Is it possible to have a three way setup like this? Thank you for any suggestions.
Not sure how the steamlink box works but if it is like almost every other streaming box on the market it will connect fine since it pretty much looks like a small pc. The largest concern would be the amount of bandwidth it needs.

Powerline devices do not come anywhere close to the magic numbers they say. I would buy the most advanced models which generally say they run 600m or 1200m. You realistically will not get much over 200m. I would hope 200m is enough, in most cases you need well under 50m but it greatly depends on the device and how the data is transmitted. Way too many of these devices on the market to keep up with so you will have to read the manuals and see if they have the required bandwdith,
I get excellent throughput from my power line based network. Previously, with only wifi, I got very poor reception from streaming from the 2nd to 1st floor but can run the highest resolution (1080p in my case) with maxed out settings without even a blink or hiccup with the power line adapters. Made all the difference for me. Got the 1200mbps ones, run about 65$ a pair on Amazon.