PowerSpec PSU w/ Vega 56


Jul 14, 2014
Hey guys,

I am looking forward to getting a Vega 56 gpu and I know these cards are pretty power hungry. So my question is, will my PowerSpec 650w 80+ Bronze psu be able to handle it? I have an Ryzen 7 1800x with a Kraken M22 liquid cooler. I dont mine or anything and it would just be for gaming.
If the PSU is of good quality, it should be fine Supposedly 48.75A on the 12V rail = 585W. ..... but we don't know/can't confirm whether it is or not.

From what I can find, it's Sirfa made and group regulated.
A pretty ancient platform, and has too many similarities to extremely budget/low quality PSUs to make me think it's anything but.

It's probably not a "burst into flames" PSU..... but I wouldn't hold my breath for stability etc, especially with a power hungry Vega GPU.
IIRC, PowerSpec is MicroCenter's "house" brand (like Rosewill for NewEgg).

I'd expect there to be a wide range of units, varying in quality.
I can't find any reliable reviews/teardowns, so it's really hard to say.

Given it would appear to sell for ~$40, I wouldn't anticipate it being of any great quality....

You've got a potential 300W draw between CPU+GPU, at stock...... before adding the balance of components and overclocking.

I'd be inclined to lead towards a no, unless there is a reliable review out there I've missed.

Considering (with a rebate) a TX650M from Corsair is $55..... it's really hard to justify the risk with the PowerSpec.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: Corsair - TXM Gold 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($54.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $54.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-05-23 14:27 EDT-0400
Yeah, I bough mine for $59.99. I typed everything into a power calculator and my total draw under load with the Vega 56 would 507w. This would be okay right? Right now I have rx 580 and I game for hours on end with no problems. The total power draw with the 580 is 487w.
If the PSU is of good quality, it should be fine Supposedly 48.75A on the 12V rail = 585W. ..... but we don't know/can't confirm whether it is or not.

From what I can find, it's Sirfa made and group regulated.
A pretty ancient platform, and has too many similarities to extremely budget/low quality PSUs to make me think it's anything but.

It's probably not a "burst into flames" PSU..... but I wouldn't hold my breath for stability etc, especially with a power hungry Vega GPU.