This is great- a lot of important data is revealed when doing diligent analysis like this. I have only two notices/questions:
1) Is CPU load measured as total average of all cores, or maximum of a single most loaded core? Single cores at 100% might explain some of the slow frames-it would be great to have a graph with those two together.
2) In the forum when people ask for builds, or about bottlenecks, they rarely tell what monitor, resolution, adaptive or fixed frame rate will be used. Similarly here- article could make note of available monitor technology. Frame times will get a special treatment on most popular- 60Hz fixed refresh rate without VSync, making actual frame times, and user experience completely different than can be expected from frame-time graphs here. Monitors with adaptive sync can also change frame-times, as well as their functions like Low Frame Compensation. It would be great if this was taken into account by few extra tests, or at least by giving notice with links to explanation of frame-time effect on different types and abilities of monitors. That would make it a full picture, and an excellent guide for intelligent purchase decision.