price question or advice


Nov 21, 2014
So i'm looking to trade my Sapphire r9 290x (reference design) for 2 r9 290's (gigabytes 3 fan ones). The reason the seller is selling them is because he was going to build a high end gaming rig but opted not too and originally was just selling one of them. I offered to trade my r9 290x and cash for his 2 gpus since I want to cross fire in my rig. So here's my questions is my card+$250 a reasonable offer for his two gpus? If not please let me know a fair price. I'm not worried about mining as I know this guy and were just a couple gamers. Him looking to downgrade and me upgrade. I've determined this is the cheapest way for me to work a cross fire into my build as well as use the 3 fan gpus to keep temps down. So please let me know if you have any idea what a fair deal would be

It depends on the game. Some games have terrible xfire drivers. Others are as good as if you used a single card. I think you will be happy. Congrats!
I have seen r9 290's for $200 at the bottom new and r9 290x's for $255 bottom. I would say trading him your card, you should only give him another $145 TOPS. I would recommend getting another 290x if you were willing to blow another $250 for his crossfire setup.