jsc :
acadia, I have no problems with welfare. Anyone through no fault of his (or her) own can run into problems, and need a helping hand. But there's a difference between your mother and a third generation welfare family.
For a while in the 70's, I was one small step away from being homeless. Public aid would have been, short term, a step up. I was young (relatively, anyway), single, healthy, and very lucky.
But jtt and I aren't talking about circumstances. We are talking about choices that allegedly intelligent adults make. And I am getting really tired of subsidizing other people's poor decisions.
But the reality is the poor decisions of people you want to blame have very little impact, very little power lies in those hands. Remember You didn't bailout those people, the banks are and did still foreclose on peoples homes, the banks were bailed out, did you give a dime to those families or individuals, no, your subsidy went to banks, furthermore as I explained, trying to blame some people who took on bad mortgages, or too much home, is tantamount to trying to blame zebra for getting eaten by a lion in Serangedie. The fact of the matter, that's completely false, and there a whole mess of factors that caused the financial collapse, and I went through it already ... one person made a good point, yeah, economist can't really pin point exactly why, but this what they think, not only that it's not something happened overnight, it's something that's brewed up over decades of decisions. And not just by any 1 political party, much like the collapse of manufacturing in the US, now even further with service jobs in the US , as more companies outsource. But I'm digressing. It's really naive and dangerous, especially, when it's simply wrong.
For example, you talk of 3 generations of welfare, #1 no one can stay on welfare that long (you actually have to be looking for a job) #2 Most people who take public assistance are off of it with in 1 year and a half #3) MOre than 60% of people on welfare actually have a job they just live far below the poverty line, and most assistance is in the form food stamps, section 8 housing, anyway ... the perceptions are far from the reality, in a bid to end public programs and end alot of work done related to new deal, Reagan, painted this image of black welfare cadillac queens, not only was an overt play on racism and a natural belief that many viewed of blacks, but it was completely false, for so many reasons, chiefly as a percentage of their population blacks make up a larger portion of the public aid ranks, however, in totality whites dwarf blacks in terms of numbers on public assistance, because, population wise whites still make up nearly 70% of this country, but here's more to the point ... your tax dollars don't go to welfare, welfare makes up a fraction of a percentage point in our budget, so who are you subsidizing ... but it's this line of thinking that scares me. You see the same thing now with this economic collapse and especially the republican party plays to it that it was poor , let's be frank, "minorities" getting in over their head and they brought down the US economy, you can't be that naive, honestly.
While you have someone like Henry Paulson , a former goldman-sachs president, and Bush's secretary say give me a $750 billion dollar check, and you can't ask me what I do with the money? That literally is your money. The people who have real power to control the flow of money in this country from corporations, to banks, to the very influentially wealthy and powerful, simply get ignored. When Bill Gates can argue an anti-trust case that MS is so important to maintaining the stability of the US economy that you can't break it up, ... but it's the people with the least amount of power in our society who are tearing down the economy. When an insurance company can argue, oh no we want you to be required to by insurance, just from us is all ... because, it's better than giving it to an entity that isn't profit driven and who's sole purpose is actually to provide healthcare and logically that makes sense to people I"m dumb founded. No wonder the have nots remain have nots, because, we live in a delusion about capital and power, and who has it. Many of us think we are way more important in the system, than we really are.
Personally, I just find it all pretty humorous, and have decided, just make sure you have, and the so called "republican (or conservatives) acolytes" and "(the democratic minions)" that means you lay people and your adherence to idealogy can continue to be guiled with non-sense .... I love this qoute from the outliers, rather the bible (Mathew 25:29) ...
"For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath."